Children of WT GB Presidents?

by NonJW88 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Where does this information come from Leolaia?

  • Leolaia

    The many various sources that are available: references to Rutherford and Malcolm in the census, the draft registration, the convention reports, the Watchtower, voter registration records, etc., as well as the research and comments from Athanasius and RR, much of which is compiled here.

  • caliber

    Malcolm C. Rutherford was born on Nov. 10, 1892, and died on June 22, 1989, and lived in Arcadia, California-(Los Angelos).

    Malcolm Rutherford worked in the legal profession

    Rutherford ruled the Watchtower organization from 1916 to 1942, traveled extensively, had several residences, most notably, Beth Sarim. But absent always was his wife, Mary, not to mention his son, Malcolm as well.

  • caliber

    Bro Albert D Schroeder died at 10:30 am New York time today at Brooklyn Bethel...he was 94 yrs old.
    He was born on April 7, 1911 in Saginaw, Michigan and entered Bethel service in 1932
    He was appointed a member of the Governing Body on December 18, 1974
    Bro Schroeder's life story appeared in the March 1, '88 WT pages 10-17: entitled: "My Life in Jehovah's Spirit-Directed Organization."
    Schroeder is one of the few GB members who had children. His son Judah ben Schroeder used to be a Bethelite, following his father's footsteps. Now he is attending Columbia University. He studies International Law school and plans to be a lawyer.

    Ironically though the GB highly discourage higher education , the only child of a GB member I am personally aware of , became a Lawyer.

    So it follows "what is good enough for the Joneses ", may not be for their own family !!!!

  • slimboyfat

    What is the source for Malcolm Rutherford's first words being "hurrah for Cleveland"?

  • caliber

    Found this on another post sometime back ..

    Malcom Rutherford served as Charles Taze Russell's personal stenographer, and the August 1, 1911 issue of the Watch Tower Magazine even compliments him as being "faithful" and that he "materially assisted in the work" during the summer Convention Tour across the U.S. and Canada.

    Malcom also served as Russell's stenographer during the 1913 Convention Tour

    So it appears at least under Russel he had some share in the WT (this would fit well with the caption in the above picture of Mal .

  • HintOfLime

    Guy Pierce has children and grand-children. Heard a few stories about their 'super-strict' grandfather, but nothing unusual for a strict C.O. type really.

    - Lime

  • slimboyfat

    I think it has been mentioned on the forum by someone who knew him that Lyman Swingle stood out among the GB as being a family man.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Another person worthy of note is HAYDEN C. COVINTON (b. 1911, d. 1978).

    Covington served as legal counsel for the WTB&TS from 1939 to 1969. He was the sucessor to Olin R. Moyle, who had been ousted in 1939 because Moyle complained about Rutherford's indulgence in alcohol and foul language.

    As reported in Wikipedia, Hayden Covington was even elected Vice-President of the Watch Tower Society succeeding the newly elected President, Nathan H. Knorr, despite having been a Jehovah's Witnesses for only five years. Throughout most of its history, appointment to the board of directors of the Watch Tower Society, and thus by implication to the "Governing Body" of Jehovah's Witnesses, has been limited to those professing to be of the "anointed class" within the group; the "spirit begotten" sons of God who would "rule as Kings" in heaven with Christ. To date, the one exception has been Hayden C. Covington. A subsequent policy change resulted in Covington's resignation from the Vice Presidency and departure from the board in 1945, although remaining on staff as legal counsel.

    Like his friend Judge Rutherford, Covington had an affinity for ethanol, and after he left the services of the WTB&TS his wife Dorothy was the primary breadwinner in his family.

    Covington was married and had two children, a daughter, Lynn Lee Covinton, and a son, Lane Christian Covinton. According to Ohio public records, in 1988 at age 25, Lane Covington committed suicide by hanging himself.

  • caliber

    Consider the marital history of the WTS presidents.
    Charles Taze Russell: Married and divorced 17 years later?no children.
    Joseph F. Rutherford: Married but lived separately from his wife for many years, maintaining separate residences even in California;both died in good standing as JWs. One child, a son, Malcolm, estranged from his father.
    Nathan Knorr: Married at 48 in 1953 and lived his entire married life at Bethel; no children. Until around 1955, Bethelites who married had to leave Bethel and marriage was discouraged. Is it a coincidence that this policy changed about the time Knorr chose to marry?
    Fred Franz: Never married.
    Milton Henschel: Married at 35 (1956) living his entire married life at Bethel; no children

    With this track record of divorce , separation , later life marriage and full time Bethel service . ...children will be few and far between at best !!!

    Remember this fact too ..

    Brooklyn Bethel residency was off limits to married people -- until the day that Knorr got married.

    Soon after he married Audrey, the rules were relaxed

    They were "putting the kingdoms interest first..".. Armageddon was just around the corner you know !!!

    Here was the wise counsel... even for the earthly class !!

    Never have the words of Face the Facts (1938) been more fitting: "Those Jonadabs who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone".

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