What silly things have you been counselled on or simply been told off for?

by 3Mozzies 62 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 3Mozzies

    So what silly things have you been counselled on or simply been told off for?

    Back in my early 20's, I had a pair of comfy old jeans that started to tear in about 3 places on the leg.

    It was the fashion at the time so not only did they feel great to wear, they also looked 'in', not that I cared for that, but it was a bonus

    I went to my friends place that night to hang out.

    When I walked in his mother started yelling at me!

    "How can you wear those jeans, that is very worldy!"

    "Do you think that christians should wear such things?"

    "I don't like you wearing those jeans in my house!"

    I started thinking, 'oh shut up you whinge bag, they're just jeans' ... but of course I didn't say that, I simply said: "I'm only wear them at home and here in your house (of course I wore them everywhere) so don't worry no worldy person we see me wearing them" ... it didn't work, she was still upset that I wore such 'worldy' things.

    Then who happens to walk in? My bible study conductor, geeze... she started again, he, agreed with her but was not that forceful about it.

    Well she wasn't too happy that she didn't win that argument, so she started on her son (my friend) about the music he listens to. My Bible study conductor (also my friends BSC) goes into my friends room without my friends knowledge and he rummaged through his CD collection. Ah-ha! Pay dirt, he found an Aerosmith CD. The BSC came out with the CD while my friends mother was still blasting both of us (for jeans - bad music). He said what is this? (holding up the Aerosmith CD) My friend who has lost the plot by now (his mother was such a screamer and whinge, he would go through this crap almost daily with her) He grabbed the CD off the BSC's hands and snapped it into pieces with his bare hands, CD case and CD! My friend then stormed out, man it was always something at his house. I really felt for him.


    Being told off for not wearing a jacket while handling the mics, mind you not by an elder but by a cow of a sister.

    I never took her advice and continued doing my dorky privilege 'jacket-less'


    One night i brought the movie Aliens over to watch at my best friends house, my friends father was an elder, when he walked in and saw that movie he was shocked, told us off (looked demonic he said) and stormed out, we continued to watch it and enjoyed it to the end.

    So spill you guts, lets all have a laugh (or cry) over stupid/silly counsel from our past.


  • zoiks

    A pioneer sister freaked out because I had some 'demonized' music in my car. The culprits were: The Cure and Led Zeppelin. Regarding Led Zeppelin, she remarked, "Even his name sounds creepy".

    Also, for inviting a recently reproved sister to our home for dinner. Apparently, someone was stumbled.


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Haha I love this topic, I could go on for hours!

    When I was listening to Smashing Pumpkins in the parking lot of the Kingdom Hall waiting for a car group to get there- a brother (1 year older than me) said that it looked like demons came out of the speakers. "Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage" those were lyrics to live by in JW land!

    I was counseled for my makeup- "I put on too dark", my black nailpolish was scoffed at by many sisters

    my skirts were knee length when I stood but they were above when I sat down, I was told by a sister that I should test them out in the fitting room first & if I sit and they are above the knee I should not buy it

    I wore V-neck sweaters & I was told that the brothers holding the mics could get a boner looking down my shirt (my mom told me that) I had to hold in the laugh on that one!


  • JWinprotest

    In the 80's they took the microphones away from me because I was growing a mullet. That alone proves they are directed by holy spirit, because they knew mullets were wrong before anyone else did.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    You guys are going to laugh your a**'s off.

    I was pulled into the back room prior to my Bethel going away party to be told that I should not play Chubby Checker's the Twist because the dance had pagan roots in fertility ceremonies.

    How silly all of that was.

    But I would like to say thank you to all of you former sisters out there who bucked the system and gave us cleavage and the possibility of an up-skirt shot to look at back in the day. All of us men can skirt around it but we were some horny little suckers back then with no outlet to ease that pent up frustration lest we sin against GOD.

  • JWinprotest

    Oh I have one more, once I refused to take gas money from a 70 year old sister who was just scrapping by. After she left my car, an elder in my cong told me off for not taking it. He said we should always accept gas money even if we don't need it, because it encourages them to keep giving, and there are those in the cong that depend on donated gas money. The problem is, at least in this cong it was, that it was only the poor ones that kept offering.

  • WTWizard

    They wanted me to wear a white dress shirt, not a light yellow one that went well with a tan suit. That ruled out white shirts with blue lines with a blue suit, as well. They also insisted that my shoes needed to shine better. And, they wanted my collar button done up while out in field circus, regardless of how hot and muggy it was at the time.

    The biggest loser was that they told me to just meet other men at the a$$emblies. They should have immediately outdated that arrangement and brought the opposite sex to me as soon as it resulted in missing them altogether (and a sharp cut in boasting session and field circus participation), but they didn't. And now they aren't getting anything at all out of me--and yes, I have Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin along with my 50 Cent and Eminem. And plenty of Christmas music.

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    You're welcome Momma Tossed Me ! I still try to tease, my skirts are a little shorter now days- just because I can!

  • brotherdan

    I got taken off microphone duty because my hair was....TOO SHORT!!! I also got counselled for wearing white socks while giving a talk on stage. A buddy of mine got counselled for wearing a colored shirt while giving a talk.

  • miseryloveselders

    When I was younger as a Ministerial Servant, the Elders and my dad jumped on me for wearing a sports coat on a Sunday meeting during which I was the chairman.

    I got counseled on violent video games. I had games like Doom and Duke Nukem. Plus your Street Fighters and Mortal Kombats.

    When I still lived at home, an Elder called the house looking for my dad. I picked it up, and we spoke briefly. He asked what I was doing. I told him I was watching wrestling. Not real wrestling, but WWF, Vince McMahon, etc.. He told me that was violent and we shouldn't watch that kind of entertainment.

    Mom always went through my music collection and tossed all that she deemed inappropriate. Zoiks, funny you mentioned The Cure. I had and still believe I have their Pornography CD. Mom never bothered with that because she was so intent on finding my rap collection that she didn't realize in an effort to get away from listening to rap I branched out to other kinds of music. If she would have seen the title of that CD I'm sure she would have tossed it. Great dark album by the way.

    Nowadays my dad still respectively counsels me about watching boxing and MMA. He recognizes me being my own man, plus he likes boxing too although he's better than me at turning it off. I love boxing, I always have, and I would have liked to have tried my hand at it. I know its wrong, and I have to force myself not to watch it. Even now when I work out, I incorporate shadow boxing in my routines.

    Funny you guys mentioned the colored dress shirts. Depending on the CO and DO and their peculiarities they might give the thumbs up on colored shirts, or thumbs down requiring you to wear white shirts. I love my colored shirts. Kenneth Cole, Geoffrey Beene, Nautica, etc.. Those shirts look good when paired with the right suits.

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