Balaamsass - Got your PM...
Yes, there is some news that will be announced later this week or early next. The case continues.
The most recent article on this subject is at
One reason there have not been any updates is due to the fact that some recent documents that were filed with the court apparently were misplaced. Apparently there were quite a few pieces of paper involved. My understanding is that they should be available as public court documents within the next day or so. When they are, I will notify everyone here on the board and publish PDFs of any documents released by the court.
One of my contacts in the area let me know that some of the bank documents that the plaintiffs had subpoenaed have been released to the court and those involved in the case. Many aspects of the case (forgery, identity theft, misappropriation of funds, misrepresentation, etc.) can be settled by the review of these documents by the court and local law enforcement agencies.
How is it going there? I can assure everyone that the elders involved in both the federal and the local superior court cases remain upbeat and positive about the potential outcome of their cases.
Sorry, but my other anonymous contacts have gone quiet on me. I'm not sure what the mood of the members of the congregation is like right now, but the last time I spoke to someone still going to that Kingdom Hall, I was told that many of the brothers and sisters seem to have been stumbled by the events going on around them. There is no clear division within the congregation, other than the fact that the members of the former Redwood City congregation are still considered as outsiders and the two groups are having a problem melding.
One interesting aspect of the current situation is that the original members of the Menlo Park KH are still assigned territories in the rougher minority areas, while most of the Redwood City newcomers still work only in the predominately white areas of Menlo Park and Redwood City. I can't verify that as a fact, but based on some tips I've received from others in the KH there still seems to be some disunity between the groups based on ethnicity and income.
The Menlo Park Kingdom Hall seems to have some characteristics in common with Nebuchadnezzar's statue, having legs of iron and clay that may never mix together completely.
I'll let the forum know when a new article is up with new court docs attached.