Why do some expect the WTS to one day end? It's simply not going to happen folks........

by jambon1 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee

    The Organization has taken on a life of it's own. It started out innocently enough as a group of people who wanted to study the bible plain and simple. But somewhere along the line, it evolved into a corperation that has been allowed to dicipline and regulate it's own supporters, rather than simply serve them with ideas and information to use as their own conscience dictates. It seems like many Witnesses are more dependant the Organization and having someone tell them what to do than they are on God. I heard it said that when Communism was done away with in the USSR, many Russians wished it would return. It seems they felt safer than they did when having to think for themselves.

    Anyone who disagrees with the Organization is said to be going against God and Christ....an Apostate. Any attempt one makes to explain is only seen as furthur proof of your apostasy and Satan's hold on you.

    I think the WTS will morph into something resembling what it is now, only with different players and rearranged doctrines.

    Just as all the folks from the 1914 1925 and 1930's have faded into the past...and all has been forgiven in terms of the prophecies they counted on that didn't come true. All of us who lived throught the 1975 era and those who can remember all the changes in the "generation" will fade also. A little bit of the leaven will be left over from the last group so that the next batch can grow from it.

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