People of the Lie

by Farkel 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Doug Yet another brilliant piece of work

    After today I think I have met a couple of them here on the board.

    I have to agree with the consistency of acts that hurt others. In my experience I can always forgive one time hurts. But when a person hurts over and over they have gone into the realm of evil.

    I think one of the things they do to deny the harm they do is to justify their acts as somehow loving "I only hit you to teach you a lesson", "This will hurt me more than it will hurt you", "I only shun you to teach you a lesson".

    By justifying their act they fool themselves into thinking they are doing good.

    Its evil and they teach it to others

  • cameo-d

    Farkel, Thanks for the information. This sounds like a beneficial read.

    One of the greatest evils is the "sin of omission". It is a sly and crafty way they will justify that they "did not lie". They reason that the fault is yours because you didn't ask. Or maybe didn't ask the 'right' questions, or didn't ask them exactly the right way. And even if you had, they would have used what they justify as 'diplomacy' aka 'theocratic warfare' and you would have never gotton a straight answer anyway. For example, how much do most people really know about the darkside of WT/JWism before they take the bait and the plunge? It's the application of the velvet hammer.

    There are many silent adhesion contracts that people are not aware of and do not see that they are truly pwned. How many folks realize that the baptism is a legal contract to a sovereign religious governance and that the public ritual is an initiation? The questions and answers qualify as a pledge of allegiance and loyalty to the chosen religious institution. Because your chosen religion is considered a sovereign body...this is why no other sovereign (such as political governments) will interfere with any injustices within the ranks of another sovereign.

    How many realize that through the baptism and constant renewal of your pledge through signature----like time cards---you have transferred your power of authority to this sovereign power?

    The evil ones perpetuating this will never take responsibility for misleading you. By their terms, it's your own fault for not taking responsibility to find out what you were really getting yourself into. And for those who do know and continue to stay in....well, again, they reason it is by your own choice and that you have the free will to walk out at any time. Bottom line, evil justifies itself. It's not their fault; the fault lies with YOU.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


  • done4good


    I don't comment on here much anymore, (as I am long since over the WT BS), but do drop in on occasion. This is the most brilliant post I read here probably ever. It mirrors the conclusions I have come to on my own that took years to understand.

    I don't expect to see many replies to this thread. Either most people won't get it, (or more correctly, won't want to get it).


  • AllTimeJeff

    Great piece.

    The genius of JW's isn't their claim that they are prophets.

    Their strategy is essentially has nothing to do with what they got right. Rather, their arguement is that they are chosen.

    If they are chosen, then it doesn't matter if they are right. Basically, their baseline arguement is "God likes us best."

    Getting it right? Not as important as getting made.

    Truly evil.

  • Farkel

    Here is one example I recall from reading the book, and I still shudder when I think about it. This is about a young boy who came to Dr. Peck, the book's author and a psychiatrist, for treatment. Note that the evil doers in this example, acted innocently and just refused to "get it." The evil put upon this boy by his own parents is unthinkable. Even for me.

    A boy about 13 started to fail in school after normally having a history of receiving good grades. He wouldn't tell the counselor anything, but the counselor could obviously could see the boy had some big problems. So the counselor went to the parents to find out why. The parents acted clueless and said nothing was wrong. It took months of persuasion before the parents were almost forced to send the boy in for counseling.

    Dr. Peck worked with the child for months, but the child buttoned up like a clam and said nothing was wrong. Finally, the boy opened up, little by little.

    Here's what had happened: the boy's brother committed suicide with his rifle some months back and the two boys were very close. Ok. That's bad enough. That Christmas, the parents gave the boy a RIFLE for Christmas. That's horrible. What's more horrible was the fact that the parents gave the boy the very rifle his brother had used to kill himself. That is beyond unthinkable.

    When confronted, the parents acted surprised that there was any problem with what they had done. They said they didn't have much money to spend for Christmas and they thought that rifle would be a good gift. After all, they said, it was still in good condition.

    THEY ACTED CLUELESS ABOUT THE TERRIBLE MESSAGE THEY WERE SENDING TO THEIR ONE-SURVIVING SON. They never did get or acknowledge the evil the put upon their own son.

    Dr. Peck said that after several years in therapy, he realized he could never help the boy back to normalcy, and the last time he checked, the boy was still fucked up.

    Use that story as an analogy to the Watchtower Corporation "killing" people while they are alive by shunning, literally killing people by an idiotic interpretation of scripture regarding blood, destroying families and marriages with their self-righteous interpretation of what consenting married people can do, ruining other lives (like mine) by making them be convicted of crimes and serve prison time for not serving in the military, dashing hopes of getting married at all, let alone raising a family because of their moronic apocalyptic fantasies, destroying people's financial future by forbidding them to better themselves through education, encouraging them to hand over their hard-earned assets to the Corporation (like real estate) and sucking precious time that could be better spent by making people attending their propaganda meetings and selling their propaganda door-to-door. At times, they change these polices, but NEVER apologize and NEVER admit they did anything wrong.

    And that doesn't even count the several times where they blamed their membership for giving up everything to pursue Watchtower interests because of a date prediction THEY MADE THEMSELVES that is "not months away, but weeks or days" away.

    They are literally, People of the Lie.

    How tragic.


  • wasblind

    The boy's brother committed suicide with his rifle some months back ,

    with the RIFLE the parents gave the boy for Christmas. The parents gave the other boy the very rifle his brother had used to kill himself

    they thought that rifle would be a good gift. Because it was still in good condition. Wasblind is speechless.

  • wasblind

    Yes Farkel,

    That is a great analogy to the WTS, hurting people on a daily basis,

    and acting clueless as if nothing is being done wrong

  • Sayswho

    Good read...

    To ALJeff , I have to say what you state is for me 'right-on'. They have throughout the years said this exact thing 'they are the chosen ones' so we must be with them and follow them to receive the blessings (correct understanding, survival, etc...). So following them even though they may be wrong, will not be counted against us, because they will be held accountable...This may be ok in areas of your like where there is no imminent threat but when there is--- their personal opinions mean nothing…it’s up to you to decide what is best.

    And the bible says:

    Judgment Day of Personal Accountability. Pre-Christian Hebrews were acquainted with the idea that God would hold them personally accountable for their conduct. (Ec 11:9; 12:14) The Christian Greek Scriptures explain that there will be a specific future period, or “day,” when mankind, both the living and those who died in the past, will individually be judged.—2Ti 4:1, 2.

    So someone is not telling the "whole truth"!!! I wonder who that is?

  • flipper

    Wow. Farkel- excellent thread ! Reading that experience of the boy and his parents giving him the same gun his brother committed suicide with- made my blood boil. You are exactly correct. It's this same arrogance and narcissistic ; flight from , or avoidance to admit fault type behavior in those parents - that is in the WT society with all of the horrific damage they ave done not only to us here on the board- but millions of people worldwide ! I have got to read both of those books you mention . I'm almost done reading In Search of Christian Freedom- didn't Ray Franz quote from one of those books you mentioned in ISOCF ? Thought I saw it in one of the footnotes ? Thanks for posting this - so true what you are saying here

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