I had a horrible experience with Bank of America yesterday. I needed to deposit cash in my checking account in order to cover a check I had written to cover my mortgage. Bank of America has decided to close many of their full service banks and replace them with new fangled ATM machines. These new machines allow you to deposit cash. However in their infinite wisdom you no longer have a deposit slip or envelope to make the deposit. You just feed the stack of bills into the deposit slot and the machine counts the cash and records the deposit amount. If you agree with what the machine counts you press yes and it issues you a receipt. If however you do not agree the machine is supposed to return your cash. Well the ATM machine I was depositing to malfunctioned. Not only did it not count the deposit (2700.00 $) correctly it could not return the cash. It spit out a receipt saying sorry not all of your items could be processed or returned. Please contact your financial institution, I panicked I guarded the ATM with my life and called the number they gave on the receipt. Well of course I got an automated response. Enter this code; enter account #: DOB; etc. I finally got a human who said they do not handle such claims; they would transfer me to the appropriate department. OK they transfer me to claims. Another Automated response enter this enter that the voice drones on. Ok we are getting somewhere I think. The machine says it is transferring me. The next sound I get out of the phone then tells me the number is no longer in service. I then redial the first number and have to go through the entire process again. This time however I insist that the human I finally get manually transfers me to the claims department and stay on the line till I get a human. I finally talk to the claims person who at first said she would send me a claims form and I would eventually get credited. I say unacceptable and remind her that cash deposits under federal law requires that cash deposits must immediately get credited. She puts her supervisor on the phone that agrees with me and issues me the temporary credit. The funniest thing about the whole thing is what the supervisor said to me as she was apologizing. She saysBank of America has had excellent success with these ATMs and their ability to take cash deposits. We process millions of deposits a day this way and our success rate is 95 %. WTF that means millions are being stuck in cyber hell each year.
Banking Nightmare
by recovering 13 Replies latest social current
There is no way on earth that I would deposit that amount of money with a B****Y machine!
Automation is OK BUT?!?!
Deputy Dog
Can you imagine? 5 times out of a hundred they are going to put you through that treatment.
Don't worry. They have BILLIONS of our TAX DOLLARS to credit your account with.
A nightmare indeed! There is no substitute for human beings. I hate it when I get those automated messages.
I would have went into full panic mode! I won't being doing any cash deposits to an atm.
One of my life philosphies is "fuck putting cash in atm's". but i understand why the OP would do it since bank of america talks shit about their new service and how great it is. 95% sucuess rate doesnt cut it for me when we are dealing with cash. banks are such assholes.
A ninety-five percent success rate is HORRIBLE! How many transactions do they process in a day? A thousand? That's fifty people who are messed up every single day!
Then you were sent in to voice mail hell. You have my deepest sympathies.
I hate it when a client is blamed for poor performance. Last night I went to a medi-centre to get a prescription renewed. My family doctor is moving offices and is unavailable, and she does NOT perform phone prescription service. When I finally see a doctor for a two minute transaction, he asked me how long I waited in the waiting room. Glancing at my watch, I reply, "three hours". Horrified, he asked why I didn't come at a more convenient time (i.e. business hours). I quietly told him I had to come when I was free.
There's been talk about freeing up the regulations to allow pharmacists to prescribe, but I say too little too late. Prescription renewal should not be this painful.
hi, you can find all US bank locations, addresses, telephone numbers and more details here. Check out the below link
Judge Dread
You bank with BofA AND you fed cash into one of their ATM's to boot!!??
I won't call you what you need to be called.
Speaking as an accountant I would tell any one who would listen to not ever under any circumstances put cash in an ATM. It simply can't be traced. Find a actual bank, go inside and make them count your money in front of you. End of story.
Also, if I worked for BofA I would have told my boss that whoever dreamed this up needed to be drug tested, it's a class action suit in the making. Everybody and his dog is going to be claiming they put cash in an ATM and the bank lost some or all of it.