Another site you may be interested in is SNAP, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, who have been very instrumental in organizing and implementing legal claims and support for victims of abuse within the Catholic Church. They also have chapters of other non-RC religious groups and secular non-profits.
What the Pope Knew--CNN 9/25 & 9/26; 7 and 10 pm CST
by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends
Also - that bizarre "red tape" problem that the sexual offender priest has to VOLUNTARILY agree to be removed, in order for the Church to defrock him???
Yes, that is really bizarre!!!!
Recorded it - still have to get the chance to watch.
BLONDIE- Wow, just wow. I'm sorry I missed the Saturday & Sunday night CNN show on this but I checked your links out and read all about it plus watched the interview with one of the molestation victims. This is just abhorrent what these 200 victims went through. And nothing was done to the creep while he lived. This kind of conduct HAS to continue to be exposed in a very vocal way . Hopefully some more specials will come out about the WT society's cover ups as well. But more and more victims need to go public and come forward in the mainstream media. Let's hope that happens