Does anyone see this happening: The JW'S breaking off from the WTBTS, when they realize that a lot of the teachings arent true?
A possible 'break' from the rank and file witnesses and WTBTS?? In the near future?
by Joliette 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Obviously, this has happened with a lot of people on this website and lots of other JWs who haven't been here at all.
Do you think there's going to be some triggering event that will lead a great exodus from the Society? If so, what?
Clearly, a lot of people left each time the Armageddon predictions failed, but the WTS keeps on going.
I think the Watchtower has done extremely well to survive, but i think thats down to cutting costs and taking advantage of 1) free workers and 2) their status as a charity
I expect that they will continue to reform (in much the same way as any corporation does) and look for ways to make some more investments, all the while extracting maximum donations from the dubs to pay for it.
Before I would attempt to comment on your thread's postulation of a future 'break' - exodus - from the Watchtower Society, I would look backwards at past schisms and observe the patterns there...
I'm not as familiar with the Watchtower organization's history as many other board members here, so please feel free to help me out....
Obviously the first 'split' occurred when C.T. Russell split off from the "Second Adventists" to form the "International Bible Students"...
I think the next major schism may have occurred when Mrs. Russell divorced C.T. Russell... I don't recall the exact basis that the court assigned as the reason for the divorce, but alleged acts of adultery/fornication with a nubile young female ward were brought forth... I do remember that the judge made a statement to the effect that Mrs. Russell "had stood far more than would be expected of any Christian woman" in her marriage to "Pastor" Russell.
Then, of course, there was the power play committed by "Judge" [NOT!] Rutherford, in which he wrested power away from the 'elders' whom C.T. Russell had designated as his heirs and caretakers of the religion he'd started...
I don't recall any major divisions or departures during the next 59 years, [1916 - 1975], but there apparently was a major departure after 1975???
Since 1975, can anyone recall a single change in doctrine that caused another mass exodus???
Of course, there's been the steady stream of departures all along....
St George of England
Major departures in 1925 when end of world failed again. Thought to over 50%. Had to rebadge as JW's in 1931
Thanks, St. George!
That is, until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger continues to frighten anyone thinking of leaving into believing they will get destroyed. If that fails, they will hold their families hostage. The witlesses are prepared only to live among other witlesses (they do that on purpose, calling worldly people "servants of Satan"). So, if they do leave, they are going to have a miserable time on their own.
Just look at this latest Big Boasting Session. Take Refuge Refuse in Jehovah. All designed to frighten children into staying with the cancer. "The earlier you teach them the right way to live, the more righteous they will become". That actually means "The earlier you start making them afraid of the world, the more difficulty they will have living any other way". And, the harder it will become for them to adjust to life outside the cancer--and, should they break off from the witlesses, the harder it will be for them to stay out of the witlesses.
The problem, Joilette, is that they would still be captive.
The true freedom in Christianity is that humans CANNOT rule themselves. (Jer 10:23)
Jesus took over. There is not a group that has FULL truth. That includes EVERY religion. JWs, baptists, mormons, catholics, lutherans, and any other group. There are Christians in all of them, but non of them can say "We have the truth."
The only one that can say that is Jesus himself. "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
If I went to a Baptist church tomorrow I could find alot of Christians there.
If I went to a Catholic church, I could find alot of Christians there.
If I went to a Kingdom Hall, I could find SOME Christians there.
Jesus is our head. And it is Him alone that we must render service and worship.
I think the Watchtower has done extremely well to survive, but i think thats down to cutting costs and taking advantage of 1) free workers and 2) their status as a charity
I expect that they will continue to reform (in much the same way as any corporation does) and look for ways to make some more investments, all the while extracting maximum donations from the dubs to pay for it.
I think it is also down to many being born in the religion, marrying young and having their own JW families, most being baptized are born in the religion, its all to do with fear of losing family. Second third or fourth generation families are not uncommon now and the society focuses more on families than ever.
The chances of another schism are approximately zero. The power structure is so entrenched from top to bottom, with careful scrutiny from circuit overseers and local elders, that rank and file Witnesses have no way of creating power blocs that could possibly challenge the existing authority structure.