questions about obtaining Higher Education for JWs

by AjaxMan 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • celebrate

    When I was in the organization in the late 60's, I heard an entire lecture on college "being the devil's playground". This attitude has continued to the present, as I have a relative who feels the same way, and speaks of members of the congration being shunned because they have sought higher education. A case in point is a JW mother who went back to school for additional nurses training. Her daughter, also a JW, no longer speakers to her.

    The best way to keep people's minds, hearts, and dreams depressed is to keep them from getting an education. In such cases, a religion like this one, can seem appealing. What else can you do?

    It also contributes to the sense of entitlement. When I asked my aunt why it was right for JWs to send their children to school to be taught by people who had gone to college, or seek medical help from people who had gone to college, I was advised that they (JWS) were God's chosen, so it was right that others should take care of them.

    This is not just sad, it is sick!

  • yrs2long

    When my non-baptized brother told my father he'd decided that he would pursue his doctorate my elder father replied, 'and you'll be done just in time for Armageddon'

  • sonoita

    Let's put it this way. At a recent circuit assembly a
    young person interviewed on stage was praised because she turned down
    a college scholarship to pioneer.

  • sonoita

    I graduated HS in the early 70's. College a definite
    My kids graduated in the 90's; college still a stigma, as I
    discouraged it due to my upbringing and all the aformentioned
    negative connotations connected.

    Looking back I wish I'd given them the chance.

  • Latte


    The following may be of help to you.

    If you go to the Wachtower Observer site and click on secret books. you will be able to read the KM for last June. (2001) This is of interest as it shows that the borg. Still considers those who pursue higher education as not being very ‘spiritual’….. shall we say?

    Can You Make Yourself Available?
    Read Para 15. The society wants skilled person to apply for Bethel service, but don’t miss the caution that the request doesn’t mean you can go get qualified. lol

    Youths Be Wise in Choosing Your Career
    Ref. Young People ask Book also W/T Aug 15th 1997
    The society still prefers that the new generation of young dubs are put off ‘higher’ education.

    I only hope that the parents are ‘wising up’ on this stupid advice.


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