Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-26-10 WT Study (JULY 15, 2010, pages 20-24)(DEEP THINGS)
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WT material from today's WT will be in black
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“The spirit searches into all things, even the deep things of God.”—1 COR. 2:10.
How many jws really know how the holy spirit works according to the WTS?
It doesn’t protect individuals physically—some jws died in the camps, some did not.
How many jws think that the anointed get more holy spirit than the other sheep?
How many jws think that Jesus is their mediator, not just the 144,000?
How many jws think that they were healed by holy spirit although the WTS teaches it does not work that way today?
How is it possible for a body of elders to appoint a man an elder in the congregation when at that time he was an adulterer, smoking, or a pedophile; didn’t the holy spirit tell them that he was not meeting the “spiritual requirements”?
Can you think of some so-called scriptural WTS doctrines/policies that started out in status 1, changed to status 2, then changed back to status 1? Was the holy spirit at fault?
1. What role of the holy spirit is highlighted by
Paul at 1 Corinthians 2:10, and what questions
HOW grateful we can be for the operation of
Jehovah’s holy spirit! The Scriptures
speak of the spirit as a helper, a gift, a
witness bearer, and one that pleads for us.
(John 14:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 8:16, 26, 27)
The apostle Paul highlighted another vital
role that the holy spirit plays: “The spirit
searches into all things, even the deep things
of God.” (1 Cor. 2:10) Indeed, Jehovah uses
his holy spirit to reveal deep spiritual truths.
Without this help, where would we be in
our understanding of Jehovah’s purposes?
(Read 1 Corinthians 2:9-12.) However,
several questions arise: How does ‘the spirit
search into the deep things of God’?
Through whom did Jehovah reveal these
things in the first century C.E.? How and
through whom does the spirit search into
these deep things in our day?
The WTS organization teaches that it takes more than the holy spirit to understand…people need the guidance of the WTS, the bible is not enough.
*** w67 10/1 p. 587 par. 9 Finding Freedom with Jehovah’s Visible Organization***
Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah’s visible organization in mind.
2. In what twofold way would the spirit operate?
2 Jesus indicated a twofold way in which
the spirit would operate. Shortly before his
death, he told his apostles: “The helper, the
holy spirit, which the Father will send in my
name, that one will teach you all things and
bring back to your minds all the things
I told you.” (John 14:26) The holy spirit
would thus act as a teacher and as a remembrancer.
As a teacher, it would help Christians grasp things
not previously understood. As a remembrancer,
it would help them recall and apply correctly what had
been explained.
If it would help them recall and apply correctly, how was it that they did not understand that circumcision was not necessary although Peter had 3 visions and heard God say that the Gentiles were clean and saw holy spirit come down on the unbaptized Cornelius? Even after that it was necessary to go to Jerusalem to “remember” this doctrine. And later when visiting a congregation, Peter shunned the Gentile Christians….where was the holy spirit?
In the First Century
3. What words of Jesus indicated that “the deep
things of God” would be revealed progressively?
3 Jesus himself taught his disciples many
truths that were new to them. They still had
much to learn, however. Jesus told the apostles:
“I have many things yet to say to you,
but you are not able to bear them at present.
However, when that one arrives, the spirit of
the truth, he will guide you into all the
truth.” (John 16:12, 13) Jesus thus indicated
that by means of holy spirit, deep
spiritual things would be progressively revealed.
Did it take 131 years (1879 AD to 2010 AD) for the first century Christians to understand? Did Jesus say that the holy spirit would err in the predicted times of 1914, 1925, 1975? Who did the early Christians believe were the “superior authorities”; the secular governments or God and Jesus? What about those who were and are part of the WTS? Did they have problems remembering properly?
4. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., how did the
holy spirit act as a teacher and as a remembrancer?
4 On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., “the
spirit of the truth” arrived, being poured
out on about 120 Christians gathered together
in Jerusalem. There were visible and
audible evidences of this. (Acts 1:4, 5, 15; 2:
1-4) The disciples spoke in a variety of
tongues “about the magnificent things of
God.” (Acts 2:5-11) It was now time for
something new to be revealed. The prophet
Joel had foretold this outpouring of holy
spirit. (Joel 2:28-32) Onlookers were witnessing
the fulfillment in a way none of
them had expected, and the apostle Peter
took the lead in explaining this development.
(Read Acts 2:14-18.) The holy spirit
thus acted as a teacher in making clear to Peter
that what the disciples had experienced
was in fulfillment of that ancient prophecy.
The spirit also acted as a remembrancer, for
Peter quoted not only Joel but two psalms of
David as well. (Ps. 16:8-11; 110:1; Acts 2:
25-28, 34, 35) What all those assembled
saw and heard were truly deep things of
About 120 Christians—why not 121 or 123 in the constipated way the WTS does statistics?
Was Christ’s presence in 1874 or 1914 per the WTS? Both. Why were there no reliable visible and audible evidences of this?
So if the holy spirit had made it clear to Peter that the Gentile Christians were clean and would receive holy spirit, why was it necessary to have it clarified in Jerusalem and why did Peter forget when visiting a congregation later where he shunned the Gentile Christians?
5, 6. (a) After Pentecost 33 C.E., what important
questions regarding the new covenant needed to
be answered? (b) Through whom were these issues
raised, and how were decisions made?
5 Many matters still needed clarification
for the first-century Christians. For example,
there were questions about the new covenant
that had gone into effect on that day
of Pentecost. Was the new covenant limited
to Jews and Jewish proselytes? Could Gentiles
also be accepted into it and be anointed
with holy spirit? (Acts 10:45) Would Gentile
males first need to be circumcised and
to submit to the Mosaic Law? (Acts 15:
1, 5) These were momentous questions.
Jehovah’s spirit was needed to search into
these deep things. Through whom, though,
would it operate?
Notice that it seems that Peter had not made it clear to other Christians about God revealing to him in a vision that Gentiles were clean and acceptable as Christians, with God pouring out holy spirit on Cornelius and his family, Gentiles in the uncircumcised state.
(Acts 10:44-48) 44 While Peter was yet speaking about these matters the holy spirit fell upon all those hearing the word. 45 And the faithful ones that had come with Peter who were of those circumcised were amazed, because the free gift of the holy spirit was being poured out also upon people of the nations. 46 For they heard them speaking with tongues and magnifying God. Then Peter responded: 47 “Can anyone forbid water so that these might not be baptized who have received the holy spirit even as we have?”48 With that he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they requested him to remain for some days.
*** w08 12/15 p. 16 par. 1 Determined to BearThorough Witness***
Peter’s witness bore abundant fruit. Uncircumcised Gentiles received God’s spirit, were baptized, and came in line to be kings in heaven with Jesus. What an outcome of Peter’s bearing thorough witness!—Acts 10:22, 34-48.
6 It was through responsible brothers that
each issue was raised for consideration. Peter,
Paul, and Barnabas were at that meeting
of the governing body and recounted how
Jehovah had been dealing with uncircumcised
Gentiles. (Acts 15:7-12) After considering
this evidence in the light of indications
in the Hebrew Scriptures and with the help
of holy spirit, the governing body made a
decision. Then they informed the congregations
in writing about that decision.—Read
Acts 15:25-30; 16:4, 5; Eph. 3:5, 6.
So had Paul and Barnabas run ahead of the so-called governing body (word not in the bible including the New World Translation) by preaching to and baptizing uncircumcised Gentiles before this decree? (search the NWT and there will be no search hits for “governing body”)
Notice that “governing body” is in lower caps when referring to the 1 st century. When referring to our time before 1971 today’s so-called WT GB is capitalized, Governing Body.
*** w09 6/15 p. 22 par. 9 The Faithful Steward and Its Governing Body***
Their appointment was confirmed by the governing body in Jerusalem. (Gal. 2:7-10)
*** w09 10/15 p.32 Have You Set Aside Time for Bible Study?***
LAST year, the Governing Body announced an adjustment to the congregation meeting schedule that allows more time for Bible study and discussion as a family.
7. By what means were deep truths revealed?
7 Many other matters were clarified
through the inspired writings of John, Peter,
James, and Paul. But at some point after the
Christian Scriptures were completed, gifts
of prophesying and miraculously revealed
knowledge ceased. (1 Cor. 13:8) Would the
spirit continue to act as a teacher and a
remembrancer? Would it continue to help
Christians to search into the deep things of
God? Prophecy indicated that it would.
It sometime after the end of the first century, “miraculously revealed knowledge” ceased, how did the anointed who lived between 100 A.D. and 1879 A.D. feed the sheep? Did the holy spirit help them?
*** w08 1/15 p. 22 par. 13 Counted Worthy to Receive a Kingdom***
Not all 144,000 anointed Christians were selected in the first century. Their calling continued throughout the apostolic period and then apparently slowed down. However, it did continue throughout the succeeding centuries into modern times. (Matt. 28:20)
*** re chap. 6 p. 31 par. 17 Unlocking a Sacred Secret***
In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus foretold the time of darkness that would exist while Christendom reigned supreme. Nevertheless, through all the centuries of apostasy, there would exist individual wheatlike Christians, genuine anointed ones. (Matthew 13:24-29, 36-43)
*** re chap. 11 p. 57 par.11 Is Your Name in the Book of Life?***
Likewise, when professed Christians were absorbed into Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, during the long centuries of the great apostasy, there must always have been a few individuals who tried, against great odds, to do Jehovah’s will. These were righteous like wheat hidden amid a profusion of sectarian weeds.—Revelation 17:3-6; Matthew 13:24-29.
During the Time of the End
8, 9. Who would “shine” with spiritual insight
during the time of the end?
8 Speaking about the time of the end, an
angel foretold: “The ones having insight
will shine like the brightness of the expanse;
and those who are bringing the many to
righteousness, like the stars to time
indefinite, even forever. . . . And the true
knowledge will become abundant.” (Dan.
12:3, 4) Who would be the ones having insight
and who would shine? Jesus provided
a clue in his illustration of the wheat and
the weeds. Speaking about the “conclusion
of a system of things,” he stated: “At that
time the righteous ones will shine as brightly
as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”
(Matt. 13:39, 43) In his explanation,
Jesus identified “the righteous ones” as “the
sons of the kingdom,” anointed Christians.
Of course, according to the WTS definition only anointed jws are righteous ones, sons of the kingdom (nonanointed jws are only “friends” and will not be sons until the end of the 1,000 year reign), anointed Christians.
9 Would all anointed Christians “shine”?
In a sense, yes, for all Christians would participate
in preaching, in disciple making,
and in building one another up at meetings.
Anointed ones would set the example.
(Zech. 8:23) In addition to this, however,
deep things were to be revealed during the
time of the end. The very prophecy Daniel
recorded was “sealed up” until that time.
(Dan. 12:9) How and through whom would
the spirit search into these deep things?
But will all anointed jws “shine” means will they have insight? Not interpreting or predicting but only in “preaching” which is another WTS definition for prophesying.
10. (a) Through whom does the spirit reveal deep
truths during the last days? (b) Explain how truths
regarding Jehovah’s great spiritual temple were clarified.
10 When the time comes to clarify a spiritual
matter in our day, holy spirit helps responsible
representatives of “the faithful and discreet slave”
at world headquarters to discern deep truths
that were not previously understood. (Matt. 24:45;
1 Cor. 2:13) The Governing Body as a whole considers
adjusted explanations. (Acts 15:6) What they
learn, they publish for the benefit of all.
(Matt.10:27) As time goes on, further clarifications
may be needed, and these too are
honestly explained.—See the box “How the
Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual
Yes, only the GB…yet Paul wrote 14 letters/books of the bible and he was not a member of the so-called GB of his time.
If the holy spirit gave the correct explanation to these men initially, why did they have to be adjusted? How many jws know that an explanation/clarification/adjustment is passed by only a 2/3 vote of the GB? According to Acts 15 it was unanimous.
Did Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel have to adjust their prophecies?
How the Spirit Revealed the Meaning of the Spiritual Temple
Among “the deep things of God” revealed
during the first century was that the tabernacle
and later the temples foreshadowed a
much greater spiritual reality. Paul called that
reality “the true tent, which Jehovah put up,
and not man.” (Heb. 8:2) This was a
great spiritual temple, an arrangement for
approach to God made possible by the sacrifice
and priesthood of Jesus Christ.
“The true tent” came into existence in
29 C.E. when Jesus was baptized and Jehovah
accepted him as the one to become a perfect
sacrifice. (Heb. 10:5-10) After his death and
resurrection, Jesus entered the Most Holy of
the spiritual temple and presented the value
of his sacrifice “before the person of God.”
—Heb. 9:11,12, 24.
Elsewhere, the apostle Paul wrote of
anointed Christians as “growing into a
holy temple for Jehovah.” (Eph. 2:20-22) Was
this temple to be the same as “the true tent”
that he later described in his letter to the
Hebrews? For decades, Jehovah’s servants
thought that it was. It seemed that anointed
Christians were being fitted on earth to become
“stones” in the heavenly temple of Jehovah.—
1 Pet. 2:5.
Toward the year 1971, however, responsible
members of the slave class began to
discern that the temple spoken of by Paul in
Ephesians could not be Jehovah’s great spiritual
temple. If “the true tent” were composed
of resurrected anointed Christians, it would
first come into existence after their resurrection
began during “the presence of the Lord.”
(1 Thess. 4:15-17) But referring to the tabernacle,
Paul wrote: “This very tent is an illustration
for the appointed time that is now here .”
—Heb. 9:9.
By carefully comparing these and other
scriptures, it became clear that the spiritual
temple is not in the process of being built
and that anointed Christians are not “stones”
being fashioned on earth for inclusion in it.
Rather, anointed Christians are serving in
the courtyard and in the Holy of the spiritual
temple, daily offering to God “a sacrifice of
So how important is this point? Did it lead to deaths when it was not allowed to have organ transplants between 1967 and 1980?
Did it lead to men spending many years in prison and deaths because they could not choose alternative service in place of military service?
Benefiting From the Spirit’s Role Today
11. How do all Christians today benefit from the
holy spirit’s role in revealing the deep things of
11 All faithful Christians benefit from the
holy spirit’s role in revealing the deep
things of God. Like the first-century Christians,
we today study and later recall and apply
information that the holy spirit helps us
to understand. (Luke 12:11, 12) We do not
need extensive formal education in order to
comprehend deep spiritual truths that have
been published. (Acts 4:13) How might we
go about improving our understanding of
the deep things of God? Consider a few suggestions.
Faithful Christians—only jws
Study (what, a WTS publication or the bible); can a jw study the bible without a WT publication?
Later recall? How many jws have to run home and to find the simple answer to a question posted by a non-jw? How many have to run to an elder for the answer even though they have been a jw for 30 years?
The deep spiritual truths—in the bible or a WTS publication? How might we go about improving—perhaps by reading the bible?!
12. When should we pray for holy spirit?
12 Pray for holy spirit. When we are about
to consider Scriptural material, we should
first ask in prayer for holy spirit to guide us.
This is true even if we are alone or the time
we have available is short. Such humble petitions
will surely warm our heavenly Father’s
heart. As Jesus indicated, Jehovah will
provide his holy spirit freely at our sincere
request.—Luke 11:13.
Pray for holy spirit—while jws pray before meals only to be seen, there is no advantage to praying alone.
13, 14. What role does preparing for meetings play
in understanding the deep things of God?
13 Prepare for meetings. We receive “food at
the proper time” through the slave class.
The “slave” fulfills its assignment by supplying
Scriptural material and by arranging
programs for study and meetings. There are
well-thought-out reasons for asking “the
whole association of brothers” to consider
certain information. (1 Pet. 2:17; Col. 4:16;
Jude 3) We cooperate with the holy spirit
when we do our best to follow the
recommendations provided.—Rev. 2:29.
Prepare for meetings—does not mean highlighting or randomly underlining your WT publication so the brothers doing mikes and the elders wandering around the KH during the meeting, can see it.
Does the food really come through “the slave class” or the GB, the “responsible men” at the WT headquarters?
Why “well-thought out reasons”? Are the rank and file jws questioning the value of their “food”?
Are jws “cooperating with the holy spirit” or the GB? Are these “recommendations” or requirements?
How can we improve
our understanding
of “the deep things
of God”?
14 When preparing for Christian meetings,
we do well to look up the cited Scriptures
and to try to discern how each applies
to the subject at hand. This practice will
gradually deepen our understanding of the
Bible. (Acts 17:11, 12) Looking them up
makes a mental impression that the holy
spirit can help us recall. Additionally, if we
see the text on the page in the Bible, this will
leave a visual impression that can help us
find the passage when we need to.
Christian meetings—only found at jw KHs
Look up cited Scriptures—but don’t think you will be able to give a comment on them at the KH where it will be surprising if you comment on the quoted scriptures; but then maybe you can there are so few of them. BTW a snippet scripture counts as a cited scripture.
Do jws want to recall what the Bible says or what the WTS says the Bible says?
15. Why should we keep up-to-date with published
material, and how do you accomplish this?
15 Keep up-to-date. Some published material
is not reviewed at our meetings, but it
is prepared for our benefit. Even issues of
our journals that are offered to the public
are prepared with us in mind. In this complicated
world, we often have to wait for
someone or something. If we carry with us a
publication that we have not read or have
only partially read, we may be able to use
these opportunities to read a portion. Some
keep up-to-date by listening to audio recordings
of our publications while walking
or while riding in a vehicle. Carefully
researched but written for enjoyment by
average readers, all this material deepens
our appreciation for spiritual things.—Hab.
Keep-up-to-date—is that why many jws think Jesus is their mediator, that their still a 1914 generation, that the generation is anyone other than the anointed?
Of course, some older jws are wondering why the Mankind’s Search for God was never studied at an official meeting; and don’t read the articles in the WT for jws only, let alone the 1 st of the month WTs.
Yes, listen to audio recordings of the publications rather than nasty, worldly music; or read the publications rather than gossiping with the sisters in the car. But no mention of reading the Bible…how many jws can honestly say they have read the Bible through and showing up at the meetings for the Bible highlights does not count.
16. What benefit is there in noting and pursuing
questions that come to mind?
16 Meditate. When you read the Bible or
publications based on it, take time to think.
As you carefully follow the line of thought,
questions may occur to you. You might
make a note of such questions and follow up
on them later. It is often when we pursue
matters that intrigue us that we delve the
deepest. The understanding we acquire becomes
part of the personal treasure we can
draw from as we need to.—Matt.13:52.
Think? Jws are taught not to think but to let the WTS do their thinking for them, or the CO, or the elders.
Make a note of questions; questions lead to trouble per the WTS. BTW would most jws know that God does not punish people who commit suicide?
17. What program do you follow for family or personal
17 Schedule a time for family worship. The
Governing Body has encouraged all of us to
set aside an evening or other period each
week for personal or family study. Our adjusted
meeting schedule opens the way for
us to apply this counsel. What do you
consider during Family Worship evenings?
Some read the Bible, researching verses that
raise questions in their mind and making
brief explanatory notes in their Bible. Many
families take time to make family application
of the material studied. Certain family
heads select material that they feel the family
needs to consider or that deals with subjects
or questions the family has asked to
consider. You will no doubt think of other
subjects to consider as time goes on.
* See also Our Kingdom Ministry of October 2008,
page 8.
So if you are a single person, is there family worship?
If you are a married couple, is there family worship?
Is Family Worship anything knew? Read the articles on “family study” and “family worship” and the “suggestions” are almost identical.
How many remember when the WTS changed the name of the meetings for field service at the book studies to “rendezvous”? Even if you were an adult then, it might have zoomed by you.
*** km 1/70 p. 7 Announcements ***
Each congregation may make its own arrangements for the Watchtower study, possibly on the book study night at the rendezvous or on Saturday at the Kingdom Hall.
*** km 2/71 p. 8 par. 5 Presenting the Good News—Starting Bible Studies with Subscribers ***
When waiting for others at rendezvous for field service, as a family, with a pioneer partner and on other informal occasions, one publisher could take the position of a typical householder in the territory and the other could use this or other approaches for starting a Bible study.
And then it disappeared. Imagine a sister with a non-jw husband telling him she was off to a rendezvous? New term, SOS.
18. Why should we not shrink back from studying
the deeper truths of God’s Word?
18 Jesus said that the spirit would act as a
helper. So we should not shrink back from
studying the deeper truths of God’s Word.
Such truths are part of the precious “knowledge
of God,” and we are invited to search
into them. (Read Proverbs 2:1-5.) They reveal
much about “the things that God has prepared
for those who love him.” As we make
the effort to learn more about Jehovah’s
Word, holy spirit will help us, for “the spirit
searches into all things, even the deep
things of God.”—1 Cor. 2:9,10.
How does the WTS rank the sources of help?
1. WTS
2. Bible
3. Spirit
The only really source of holy spirit is the WTS, in their opinion.
*** w61 11/15 p. 692 par. 14 Publishing the“Word of Life” in a Dying World***
God gave the Bible, not to an individual, but to a nation, first the Hebrew nation, and then to what Peter calls God’s “holy nation,” which is the “Israel of God,” whose circumcision is not in the flesh but in the heart. It is thus an organization Book. It can be understood only in company with God’s true visible organization, the one filled with his holy spirit.—1 Pet. 2:9; Gal. 6:12-16.
How Would You Answer?
In what twofold way does the spirit
help us to search into “the deep
things of God”?
Through whom did the holy spirit
reveal deep truths in the first
? How does the holy spirit operate to
clarify matters in our day?
? What can you do to benefit from the
spirit’s role?
Not so deep, just remember that only the GB gets the news from on high and they distribute it in their publications. You cannot understand the bible with just holy spirit. If it is not in their publications, it is not from God.
Looks like many of the rank and file are not even reading the publications, let alone underlining, and worse answering at the meetings. At my old congregation, it is still the same 2 sisters who answer and an occasional elder. The conductor is frustrated. I once told him and his buddy, that if all 6 elders and their wives (12), every MS and his wife (2), and all the regular pioneers (5) answered once, that would be 12+2+5 = 19 answers which would cover the average WT.
Love, Blondie
***km 10/08 p. 8 Personal and Family Bible Study Are Vital! ***
1 As in the first century, the Governing Body has deep concern for the welfare of Jehovah’s people. (Acts 15:6, 28) As the dark clouds of the great tribulation draw closer, it is vital that every Kingdom publisher have a solid relationship with Jehovah. How will you use the time previously allocated to the Congregation Book Study? All are encouraged to use this time for family worship. Wise use of this time will permit us to dig deeper into God’s inspired Word and draw from its life-giving waters.—Ps. 1:1-3; Rom. 11:33, 34.
2 Family Worship Evening: Family heads are encouraged to shoulder their responsibility before Jehovah to ensure that a meaningful, regular program of family Bible study is followed. (Deut. 6:6, 7) Single brothers and sisters with no family responsibilities will be able to use this time for personal Bible study and research. It is vital for all of us to ‘buy out the opportune time’ for study and meditation in order to maintain the spiritual strength needed in the face of ‘wicked days.’—Eph. 5:15, 16.
3 What to Consider: The WatchTowerPublicationsIndex or WatchtowerLibraryon CD-ROM can help you locate information that will make your Bible study periods a delight. Families may consider articles from TheWatchtower, such as the regular features “Keys to Family Happiness,” “Teach Your Children,” and “For Our Young People.” Also, Awake! contains the “Young People Ask” series and fascinating articles about the wonders of creation.
4 Unhurried Bible reading can impress godly principles and lessons on the minds and hearts of all in the family. (Heb. 4:12) On other occasions, you might watch and discuss one of the videos produced by the organization. There is ample opportunity for ingenuity and creativity. Why not ask your family members what they would enjoy?
5 Why Important Now: Strengthening our spirituality will prepare us to “stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah.” (Ex. 14:13) Parents need divine guidance for raising children “in among a crooked and twisted generation.” (Phil. 2:15) Children need help to deal with the deteriorating moral climate in schools today. (Prov. 22:3, 6) Couples do well to strengthen their “threefold cord” with Jehovah. (Eccl. 4:12) Let us, then, make wise use of the time remaining to build ourselves up on our “most holy faith”!—Jude 20.