This discussion forum is somewhat perplexing. It appears to criminalize a religious entity in the way that most secular humanists lament religion and feel the God devolution should be, well, eradicated from society. What action should be taken against these people? Should legislation be introduced that possibly dissolves this sect of their civil rights, or should the federal government continue to allow Jehovah's Witnesses religious freedom?
Should Jehovah's Witnesses be banned by secular authorities?
by Spade 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
religious freedom, let them live.
Judge Dread
Yeah, there you go.
Ban them.
They'll go from 7 million, to 14 million, to 28 million before you know it.
No. Set laws that protect people from ALL preditory religious organizations (it's up to religion to adhere to basic human rights). Those that don't adhere are penalized. (Hit them in the pocketbook. Its the only sensory organ 'god' has).
- Lime
Think About It
Why ban JW's? They aren't that much different than the other Christian religions. The Fundamentalists, Catholics & Mormons are just as nuts. Then you have the Holy Rollers, Snake Handlers, Chrisitan Survivalists, Amish, etc. Banning them would only re-inforce the JW's God's organization on earth delusion.
Think About It
I agree that banning is pointless as well as un-constitutional in most countries, but I think that governments have a duty of care over their subjects, and should curtail the harmful activities of cults like the JW's and Scientologists etc.
If more effort by government were expended to study and expose these mind-controlling fraudsters even the thought of a ban would not be necessary.
tax em!
Do they initiate the use of force, threats of force, and/or fraud to get people to join? If so, they should be banned for that alone. For instance, do the members know all the rules and beliefs before they are committed, or do they get told one thing to get them in and another once they are in? Are they held to whatever rules the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger later comes up with, despite not being told so before it is too late? Are 6 year old children pressured or terrorized into getting baptized? If yes, they are guilty of a scam. And, like any scam, they should be shut down.
And yes, I also think any Muslim sect that insists on forcing themselves into the government so they can impose Islam on whole cities, states, or countries need to be banned. As well as any that insist on flying planes into buildings and blowing up things to get their way.
Well Spade, I don't know what country your posting from,
but in the USA this country is based on certain freedoms and the freedom of religion is one of them.
The WTS should keep that well in mind and allow the followers the same freedom without detrimental consequences