Anyone a Practicing Catholic?

by lovelylil2 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil2

    If so, would you mind helping me gain some information on Catholic Beliefs. I left Roman Catholicism when I was a teen but have been researching the beliefs and practices of all the major churches and this is the one I am working on now. There is a lot of conflicting information out there both for and against the church, as with all religions I guess. And I admit I don't have a very good knowlege of the Catholic faith, so I thought I would go to the source and "speak" with those who are of this faith group.

    I have a few Q's I would like to ask practicing Catholics such as;

    What is the difference between "regular" Catholics and Roman Catholics?

    Is calling the Pope "holy father" a requirement for becoming a Catholic or can you view him as just the head of the Catholic church?

    Can adults convert to Catholisim?

    what are the main doctrines of the Catholic faith?

    As JW's we were taught that Catholics do not use the bible or know how to use it, is this true according to your observation?

    Does anyone know of a website that can answer these Q's, also I welcome personal comments from practicing catholics. This is purely for research and I have no intention of putting down the Catholic church or anyone's beliefs. Do not want to debate the validity of the beliefs or anything like that. This is just for my informational purpose and curiosity.

    I've been studying all the churches for a few years now and am taking biblical studies courses. Thanks in advance for your help. Peace, Lilly

    P.S. Any good books out there on the practices of the Catholic church and their origins?

  • blondie

    Add this:

    What does a practicing Catholic have to do to become a nonpracticing Catholic?

    What does a Catholic have to do to be excommunicated? Are they shunned?

  • Black Sheep
  • blondie

    black sheep, would that reflect the personal answer from a Catholic posting here or one in our area?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I don't think there is a whole lot of Catholics currently posting here. I can only think of St Ann. There was an ordained priest here when I first joined, but I haven't seen him around for years. He also posted at

    It'll be interesting to see how many put their hands up.

  • PSacramento

    There are other types of catholics besides Roman Catholics.

    I was a RC but I am now far close to "old" catholic than RC.

    I don't accept the authority or subscribe to the doctrine of the Pope being infalliable so I can't be a RC, though the majority of RC I know don't do those things either.

  • BurnTheShips
    Anyone a Practicing Catholic?

    *raises hand*

    What is the difference between "regular" Catholics and Roman Catholics?

    There are several catholic churches. The Latin Rite Church is Roman catholic. There are also other self-governing catholic churches that are in full communion with one another and the Roman church, all are Catholic, even if the liturgy and governance is different among them:

    Is calling the Pope "holy father" a requirement for becoming a Catholic or can you view him as just the head of the Catholic church?

    It is not a requirement.

    Can adults convert to Catholisim?

    Yes. I did.

    what are the main doctrines of the Catholic faith?

    There is one God, the Father, who created everything.

    There is one saviour, Jesus Christ the Son of God, through whom all things were created.

    Jesus came down from heaven, and born of the Virgin Mary in human form.

    He was crucified and died. He rose on the third day and ascended to heaven.

    Jesus will come again at the end of history and his kingdom will be eternal.

    The dead will be resurrected.

    The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, and is worshipped as God along with the Father and the Son.

    There is one body of Christ, founded by Jesus. This is the Church.

    There is one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

    As JW's we were taught that Catholics do not use the bible or know how to use it, is this true according to your observation?

    I know some Catholics that are very knowledgable about the Bible. However, I know many that are not. A typical JW will be much better at using the Bible, even though they misinterpret it.

    Does anyone know of a website that can answer these Q's, also I welcome personal comments from practicing catholics. This is purely for research and I have no intention of putting down the Catholic church or anyone's beliefs. Do not want to debate the validity of the beliefs or anything like that. This is just for my informational purpose and curiosity.


  • Libelle

    Not a practicing Catholic, but "recovering" much of my family still is. I went to Catholic School from K-7th grade - complete with plaid uniform jumper and all...

    What is the difference between "regular" Catholics and Roman Catholics?

    Nothing. Catholic is Catholic, Roman Catholic is usually shortened to Catholic by most people. There are folks who are more traditional (as in women needing to wear head coverings, masses still in Latin, and priest facing the away from the congregation - lots of other Pre-Vatican II stuff), I think they have a specific name, but I cannot remember it.

    Is calling the Pope "holy father" a requirement for becoming a Catholic or can you view him as just the head of the Catholic church?

    Well that's what the RCC calls him. The individual may or may not call him that, but it expected that you will believe him to be so.

    Can adults convert to Catholisim?

    Yeap- look up RCIA those are the classes one takes to become Catholic. WHile you're studying you're called a catechumen (we always jokes that it was like you're subhuman haha) and escorted from mass before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

    what are the main doctrines of the Catholic faith?

    That's awfully long to put in one post:

    As JW's we were taught that Catholics do not use the bible or know how to use it, is this true according to your observation?

    Well, JW's don't think anyone but them know/use the bible. RC's think they know the bible properly too. The masses have readings from the bible. First reading is from the OT, Second from a non-gospel NT (usually Paul) and the Gospel reading, well that's self explanatory. You can read the bible all you want, too. In Catholic school we had classes that centered on this story or that.

    Does anyone know of a website that can answer these Q's, also I welcome personal comments from practicing catholics. This is purely for research and I have no intention of putting down the Catholic church or anyone's beliefs. Do not want to debate the validity of the beliefs or anything like that. This is just for my informational purpose and curiosity.

    I"m sure there's a website, but I don't know it. I used to love reading about the saints as a kid - made "being holy" seem more humanly achievable - plus, I've always loved a good story.

    From Blondie:

    What does a practicing Catholic have to do to become a nonpracticing Catholic?

    Just stop going really. I mean I guess I'm officially a non-practicing Catholic. I never took my name off any records. ANd well you never forget the stand-sit-kneel, responses and songs - that gets ingrained into you. I've been to mass about 6 times in the past 10 years, and I still remember every bit. THat part never leaves you. ha

    What does a Catholic have to do to be excommunicated? Are they shunned?

    I don't know about that, it's not as easy as being disfellowshipped. There some pretty bad behaviors amongst Catholics. Hell my grandparents used to go to horse races with the Monsignor (a priest who's more elevated thanother priest but not bishop). IME The RC is relatively lenient.

  • man in black
  • lovelylil2

    Just got in from work. I am going to read these posts and respond in a few hours. thanks everyone. Lilly

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