I am sure you have read ezikiels story of the watchman, jehovahs wittnesses use this example often as the reason for prophecy and preaching, it is a comendable thing to have a alert man standing watch over your home peace of mind is a good thing. but if this man sounds a warning of posible danger everyone in the home becomes alert and takes steps to protect themselves!
But what if the watchman gives an alert and everybody goes on the alert and nothing happens? we breath a sigh of releif and go about our lives, suppose the watchman alerts us again? we again go on the alert! then again no dangerous thing,and we relax again. day after day this continues then the days turn to years, by this time when the watchman calls we are used to litttle to nothing comeing! so we are slow to react if we react at all!
but today the watchman called out we kinda glanced out the window just to be sure, seeing nothing we go back to our dvd movie! suddenly their is a great roar and a flash of fire! we never find out that a cyclone just hit our home because we and the watchman are dead!
I DONT have to tell you who im talking about! you have seen the pattern !
even worse are the little groups that came forth from whom I speak of because all they do is gather around to ridicule and tell others how they dont listen to the watchman anymore! so what are we to do?
We are to be our own watchmen! we are to be responsable ourselves!
LET us not trust our lives to the watchman who has become the undertaker.
but instead lets all stand firmly doing what we know is right let us encourage our fellowman to do the same. lets live centered on todays challanges and refrain from long term predictions of what tommorow! if we all seek out what jesus has for us today. when tomorow comes we will have knowledge and the expeiriance to over come its challanges! well i hope this one gets talked about! because most of us know the noisey watchman who is practiceing to become our undertaker..
watchman or undertaker?
by arimatthewdavies 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals
We are to be our own watchmen! we are to be responsable ourselves!
LET us not trust our lives to the watchman who has become the undertaker.
but instead lets all stand firmly doing what we know is right let us encourage our fellowman to do the same.Profound. Exactly right.
ari, would you by any chance be alluding to e-watchman? Been quite a few years that he's been sounding the doomsday alarm, hasn't it?
dear sir in answer to your qustion ,i was a forum member in one of e-watchmans sites day after day i posted silly little stories with morals and counseled from gods word one day i had an impresion i belived was from jehovah the impresion said stand firm, tell others to do the same seek out the faithfull and discreet slave for further instructions, i sugested we go to the k.m at 830 sat field service time because thst sounds like a good place to stand firm with preaching on our minds. this watchman said to tell the inspiration it was a lier! well after rebuking him in the name of jesus i severed contact with his site BUT im not just talking about e-watchman! im talking about any church or man or women including our society that makes all the right noises about jehovah but when the real event happens if it happens at all, will you be ready or will you be so used to new lights, delayed prophecys and modifacations that when an anointed of jehovah says hey maybe we ought to go to the km,will you saw naaaa their so full of noise its just another drill! and stay home? yes we as indiviguals better take some personal interest in the lord and do more than hand out premade kingdom cookies ! and those speculative dates forget them let talk about how we are going to sqweeze by in todays tough world then lets call up to god and ask him what we should do tomorow to be helpful to him and our neighbor. well i hope i havent talked too much here but there is far better things to do then hang out in the same chat room for a year and tell people how you have lost your feel for jehovah and cant get up!
ari, try to relax, stop looking around every corner for Jehovah (aaaaaannnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy daaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy nooooooooowwwwwww) and read more of this kind of stuff....
The Science of Peace
Jimmy C.
remember when peter walked on water? he did it all by himself! we know this because the power never fails or weakens even if the person does, i think that us humans have a lot of untrained power similar to what jesus had,imagine what we could do if we could train ourselves to really be like jesus oh and im 50 looking for jehovah is my hobby id be bored senseless if i relaxed, i would got kooky way kooker than i am now l.o.l
wow ari, I'm impressed!
"You are gods" ~John 10:34
Jimmy C.
Mad Sweeney
While I tend to believe in some sort of universal consciousness I'm not exactly enamoured with a link to a guy who is selling information. Bad form.
Hi Mad Sweeney,
The vast majority of David Wilcock's information is available online for free. The guy quit his dayjob and I imagine some of his projects are costly. He's not in it for the money, imo.
I'm not exactly enamoured with a link to a guy who is selling information
Well, that and he's a freakin nutjob.