My first video - Jehovah's Witnessess and Blood Guilt

by sabastious 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    I see your point Sab, the WTS is only real in pretentiousness.

    Speaking about blood guilt, how about the thousands of lives lost due to the no blood doctrine or the no vaccine doctrine

    or the no organ transplant doctrine. Now thats what I call blood guilt in the real sense of the term.

    Within this pretentiousness there lies the arrogance of power that has proved itself most deadly

    to innocent victims of occlusion.

  • sabastious

    Now thats what I call blood guilt in the real sense of the term.

    I completely agree.

    It's an odd conversation to have with a Witness when you call the GB blood guilty.

    They feel personally attacked no matter how founded your argument is.


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Well done young man, well done! That was an excellent job. If you like doing it you should consider doing others. With your manner & style of delivery, you could do a great job helping other utes see the WTS for what it really is.

    Think About It

  • sabastious
    With your manner & style of delivery, you could do a great job helping other utes see the WTS for what it really is.

    Thank you!

    I am pretty passionate about this subject so I hope it comes across in the videos and helps them become more alive.


  • zoiks

    Sab, I agree with Think About It - your manner is very sincere, you don't come across as preachy, sanctimonious, or cocky. Nicely done, and an interesting subject too. I used to have some similar fears - I wondered if Jehovah viewed me as a blemish on his clean organization when I did something wrong, and I wondered if the congregation would be doing better (more blessings of HS) without my sinful self there. It really messes with one's self esteem and motives.

  • sabastious
    Sab, I agree with Think About It - your manner is very sincere, you don't come across as preachy, sanctimonious, or cocky.

    You know, this statement warms my heart.

    I only recently made a break from my JW family. They were incessantly acusing me of haughtiness and being self rightous and "seeking approval." This especially hurt because I was actively trying not to sound or act that way. It's good to be refered to as genuine because that's how I view myself.

    But I have been told the opposite by a lot of people lately (all JW family).

    It's funny how the human mind works. If enough people tell you something no matter how untrue or unfounded it starts to weigh on the subconscious and if the people telling you have credibility within the community it somehow adds credibility to their accusations.

    The mind is a fragile thing.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Sabastious, I enjoyed your video. I think though that your subject was actually community responsibility, the idea that it is all for one and one for all. If anyone in the community sins the whole group is guilty. I often thought of how Jehovah could hold back his spirit from an elderly sister in the truth for 40 years or more because some stupid person had a cigarette in secret once in awhile. It made no sense. What the hell did she do to suffer for his mistake? So much for Jesus sacrafice covering our individual sins. APparently its a group rate. Thanks WT. Twits.

  • Tatiana

    Very sincere and honestly spoken. Do you mind if I share it?

  • sabastious
    Very sincere and honestly spoken. Do you mind if I share it?

    No, go ahead I don't mind.


  • hamsterbait

    Very good!

    I think you could also consider the Kingdumb Misery, that said that the whole congregation is "bloodguilty" if a brother kills somebody in a car accident.

    The only way to avoid this is to investigate, and take "appropriate action".

    So if you have a car crash through human error, Jehoobie will kill the babies at the kingdumb hell along with their parents....

    Didn't Christ die to cover this kind of thing?

    Oh no - he didn't. He died to get the Gibbering Buddy a contract to go to heaven.


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