More people read this site as non members than you know. I could name names and congregations of Elders that are regular here, and they don't even know I know. They have mentioned things in passing that have come direct from this forum, experiences etc (avoid doing that).
has anyone ever been "outed" by posting?
by GrandmaJones 44 Replies latest jw friends
Darth plaugeis
Nope not me..... it's a big world. Brother Elder there is a reason it's called the World Wide Web.
If someone keeps pressing..... Are you calling me a LIAR? This conversation is OVER. HOW DARE YOU! I am really offended!
Yes I know it sounds funny. You picked on those things. Not me... sure sounds like our Hall thou. Why would you be on an Appostite site brother? or brothers? Maybe I'm not the one with a spiritual problem I'm not searching sites the WTS says we should avoid. Does your wife no about this brother?
If it's family..... can work the same... unless they catch you on it.
Clergy so easy to mess with. And to think I used to be soooo honest. Thank you Sith!
It HAS been shown that the WTBS DOES review so-called apostate sites and videos. Watch this video on youtube that exposes the spying that the WTS is doing right now:
Ha good catch brotherdan.
If anyone is watching me .........BOO!
Watched the video brotherdan,
that's pretty scary folks, but the thing that scared me the most is the device that identifies the isp as belonging to someone.
Can someone do that to this site other than simon? Now I'm really uncomfortable, even though I have not posted anything that otherwise identify me personally. Should I ask this on the tech forum?
Grandma Jones
That's pretty scary folks, but the thing that scared me the most is the device that identifies the isp as belonging to someone. Can someone do that to this site other than simon?
Nobody else but Simon could collect IP addresses in the fashion shown in the video, but there are other ways to collect IP's.
Here's a simple example:
I start a new topic and in my post is a tiny picture with a pixel size of 1X1. You can't see it because it's the same color as the background and it's no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence.
This tiny picture is hosted on one of my servers.
Everybody who reads my topic will generate a hit on my server when the picture loads. I'll collect a whole bunch of IP addresses, but there is no direct correlation between IP addresses and screen names at this point
However, for those that actually reply to my topic, there will be a correlation between the time they read the topic and the time they replied. --Usually a difference of only a few minutes.
If process was repeated several times, the correlation would become strong enough to definitly tie IP addresses to screen names. This usually won't identify you by name, but it usually will indicate the city you live in.
I've never, ever done this and never, ever would, but it is certainly possible.
Grandma Jones,
Don't let too much information out. Just be careful. You never know. I imagine that this site has a lot of traffic and I'm just guessing here, but I'd imagine more than 99% of visitors are unregistered people lurking (just a guess).
Just edit what you say and don't give away personal details. Protect yourself and your family.
Darth plaugeis
Remember everyone has talked to their Elders. My Elders weren't to bright. I'm sure there are some with Brains. For the most part they were stumbling Idiots. Witch hunts happen but as long as you are smart about location silence.....
I loved this site when I found it thinking My stories were Unique, they weren't. I was shocked to see how many out there saw what I did.
I'm just trying to say these Idiots aren't Sherlock Holmes..... if they were they would realize.... hey What am I doing in this CULT????
It can happen..... I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
If process was repeated several times, the correlation would become strong enough to definitly tie IP addresses to screen names. This usually won't identify you by name, but it usually will indicate the city you live in.
Sort of. You could identify which ISP, a user had, but not the actual name of the uer. Most IP's given out are dynamic and without going to the ISP and getting info from them on which customer had which IP at what time, you couldn't tie that back to a specific actual person.
I know of a few people who were, and subsequently DFd for Apostacy™.