Ummmmm how to put this? I'm leaving and moving on from this community, obviously to the great delight of many of you, however, for all the other more genuine characters, may I extend a hand of appreciation for all the help that you have given me at times.
To be honest, this place makes me feel more ill often than better, it feels like I'm sliding backwards the longer I stay around.
Maybe one day I'll return when attitudes from those who could be more socially responsible actually make their nessarsary changes rather than constantly being on the attack against those who have no other agenda but a desire to help out their fellow man, regardless of religion, creed, sexual orientation or whatknot.
To those friends that I have made here, please feel free to email me anytime and/or if ever you need any help personally, please do not hesitate to call upon me.
Cheerio, keep your chins up.
Peace & WhatKnot(?)