Anyone who deeply believes in a "free press" is very naive in my opinion. For example, consider how stories about scandal suddenly appear out of nowhere after candidates actually start running. I am also aware of how surprizing revelations appear in European newspapers about figures in the US - while little or nothing is reported in the American press.
There are some amazing revelations that you won't learn about in high school history books. Such as:
There once was a serious high level plot to overthrow the President and replace him with a fascist government, ( FDR, Congressional Hearings involving Gen. Smedley Butler)
A President once exposed himself to foreign press to make a point ( Johnson - and his 'johnson')
A US President had clear signs of developing dementia - and the press failed to report it (Reagan)
and much more..
In this vein, I have long heard promises that the US government would one day admit that UFO's are real. This is similar to promises about Armageddon - except that disclosure WILL happen eventually. However, recent events have ended my skepticism that this denial will go on indefinitely. There are just too many 'coincidences' in the past year and they appear to be accelerating.
More stories about life on Mars
More stories about finding distant solar systems and planets
Recent stories (CNN!) that UFO's have interfered with nuclear weapons
Recent stories about UFO's openly observed and being bothersome in China
Opening confidential national files in Britain and many other nations
Vatican official comments that ET's would be no big deal
Possible appointment of a UN ambassador to ET's (!!)
This looks like a step by step move towards a general admission that ET's are real and that the government knows a lot more than it admits. I think this gradualism is preparing the public against panic. It also is likely that it is connected to the decline of US influence in the world.
Some of you skeptics may not believe this but I have little doubt that 'ET's are real' would be the official, announced position of China, India and France ( among other!) if American public opinion - and its 'side effects' were not an obstacle. Other nations are just not as inhibited about it as the US is.