This information source not for me,,,

by Spade 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I hope the webmaster for six screens reads this thread.

    I objected to the format years ago, precisely for the reasons Spade and other posters have described here.

    I know at least one person has been helped by the site, as they gave it credit here, but I wonder how much more effective it would be if it simply wasn't there to compete with less creepy websites. I have no idea what the site contains, as I haven't bothered to get through the two pages of appalling window dressing to find some content.

  • thenoblelodge

    I agree with all above. Six Screens is creepy and I don't get why he has to be so hateful towards the WTBTS. It can be unproductive to say the least.

    We need to help people out, not send them back in screaming and believing the WT is the only safe place to be. is where I learned a lot about the truth about the truth, it's very good and well balanced.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I think he is saying that he started research on JW's because his wife is studying.

    He doesn't believe in God, but both sides of the spectrum, JW's and Ex-JW's try to manipulate by saying they are right and the other side is wrong.

    The JW's just have their own interpretation of the Scriptures, just like everyone else, and Ex-JW's are full of hate towards that interpretation.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    ... and Ex-JW's are full of hate towards that interpretation.

    That is what the bOrg wants visitors to ex-Dub websites to believe.

    We have to be careful not to fit the profile the bOrg describes for us. In my view, Six Screens fails in that regard, and I am only describing the two introductory pages a potential victim has to negotiate before they get to the content.

    I am trying to help people out of this cult. I don't need substandard websites popping up for Dubs that I have convinced to type a query into Google.

  • pirata

    Hi Spade,

    There are ex-jws at all parts of the spectrum. Some have become high-profile opposers , many just try to move on with their lives, some become atheists, some find other religious groups. There is, unfortunately, a lot of stuff out there that smacks of hate speech and propoganda against the witnesses, that turns many off their information.

    Your wife is likely studying "What does the Bible Really Teach?", which a basic overview of the Jehovah's Witnesses Biblical belief. That is a good source of doctrincal belief, but does not really go into other matters that often only come up after baptism or attending the meetings for a period of time.

    The most non-biased site I can think of to learn about Jehovah's Witnesses is wikipedia. It presents a pretty factual development of the modern day history of Jehovah's witnesses, with contributions from both pro and ex JWs.

    Whether or not you eventually decide to become a witness, please investigate the following:

    • To what extent may I question an official teaching if I do not believe it fully agrees with the Bible? This questions, and it's repurcussions, has different answers before/after baptism.
    • To what extent will I need to avoid friendships with non-Jehovah's Witnesses if I become a witness?
    • Do I accept that fact that if I later choose not to be a Jehovah's Witness, that I will be shunned by all Jehovah's Witnesses, with the exception of any immediate family living in the same household.
    • Will the sexual restrictions between married couples affect this aspect of my marriage?
    • What is the time commitment required to be an active Jehovah's Witness
    • Do I belive strongly enough that Jehovah's Witnesses have the correct interpretation of the use of Blood that I am willing to refuse a blood transfusion, even in a life-threatening circumstance? Make sure to compare different religions views on this, including conservative Jews.

    Now most of the above may not matter to you if you come to the conclusion that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true religion.

    That being said, make sure to research the history and teachings of the Jehovah's Witness to see if you think they are inspired by God or not. A good overview of the history/changes in beliefs is given here: and . I also recommend the book "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz. It is a very interesting, balanced read and, suprisingly, not the bitter tirade I was expecting when I first looked into it.

    Choosing a religion, especially one that requires active involvement, is a life investment. It is good to be informed with both the pros and cons before making this decision.

  • undercover
  • undercover

    I dunno what happened there... anyhoo...

    I'm with Spade on the "six screens" site. I don't like it either.

    Your not having been a JW, you may never understand what we went through exactly. Many of us who exited go through periods of anger and bitterness. You'll see people at all different stages of escaping and recovery on this site.

    It's good that you don't like the religious hatred of six screens or anyone else. Facts are though, that on this board, you're gonna find some hatred of the JW religion. Personally I don't hate JWs, I feel sorry for them... they're victims. I have more issues with the lies and deceit of the leadership.

    And like any other message board, you're gonna find some useful info...and you're gonna find some way out there wacky shit that don't make a lick of sense. You have to determine for yourself what is accurate and what is false.

    But, if you choose to leave, just remember we're not an organized hate group....we're people who escaped the clutches othe Watchtower Society and we either seek solace here or hope to help others as they fight their way out.

    I hope you're able to keep your wife from getting too involved. We'll be here if you ever choose to come back.

    Good luck...

  • serenitynow!

    I've listened to a few of the sixscreens conference calls. I just went to the website and it did scare me a bit. I got that sick feeling I first got when visiting an "apostate" site. He should do away with the black background for one. I clicked on the upper room ministry and that dove and "enter" sign made me feel like I was going into a haunted house or something. Maybe we should send him some suggestions about the site.

  • isaacaustin

    The owner of 6-Screens is of the opinion that it attracts visitors and picture convey messages. he is right- but not the right messages. He needs to tone down and stop with his sensational stories and themes.

  • cantleave

    Spade - the first time I came across the Six Screens it gave me the heeby geebies. There is some good info there but it is poorly presented.

    You really need to read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz or Captives of a concept by Don cameron, to get an idea why so many have left. People like me, in for over 4 decades, an appointed man nearly 20 years an elder for 8 and a true believer at one time.

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