In what way has God tied people to a bed and force fed them?
He hasn't. I think that's what I was asking you. Would you do that if your 'children' refused you and the help/guidance you were offering. Or would you let them go their way and simply continue offering a way for them to return to you.
How has he provided medicine at all?
I wasn't speaking just of medicine for the physically sick (I think you know that - though I imagine that if we were to cut out the wars and such, we would have more money to concentrate on cures, treatments, ending starvation, etc...) But He did give us life - which we abused right from the start. And he did send us prophets to help us get back on track, then His Son for that and also to save us, despite our continued abuse of Him and those prophets. The problem is with us - we continue to refuse him and the help/guidance he has given us.
There is nothing a person can do to alleviate their suffering or death.
Many people have inner peace despite knowing death is close - even despite suffering before death. There are things we can do to alleviate suffering though, although I'm not sure what you meant -physical, emotional, spiritual, etc.
The God a person will believe exists is dependant on the area they are born in, not any personal interation with him, no matter how much they request knowledge of him.
In most cases, this is probably true - though I don't think this can be an absolute statement. It would be hard to believe in someone you had never heard of, though, yes. However, not following the name of a God that is true does not mean that a person does not follow everything that this name stands for.