...A message from Lady Lee..

by OUTLAW 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Here's wishing Lady Lee well.

    But why can't you keep your computers up and running in Canada? Do they come from a different part of China than ours do?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Get well soon LL!!

    Dr. Outlaw's prescription for whatever ails you: Take 2 buckets of KFC and logon in the morning.


    Outlaw, I always wondered how tall Jehovah was. He's kind of short isn't he ?.....IQuit

    God doesn`t need to be Tall,if his Fried Chicken is Devine!..


    why can't you keep your computers up and running in Canada?

    Do they come from a different part of China than ours do?.....IQuit

    Canadian Computers come from Hong Wrong Kong..


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • little witch
    little witch

    My best to You Lady, Get well soon!

    Outlaw made me pee me britches (again)


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    So, Lady Lee has chosen OUTLAW as her 'spokesperson' on Earth...??

    OMG That is too funny. We were emailing each other about a different matter and I told him why I wasn't posting and asked him to post a message from me. Didn't want anyone to think I had just been run off the board or anything like that.

    But it seems to have lost something in translation from Eastern Canada to Western Canada

    I fell and smashed my face and hand. Then my computer died - the week from hell. Since I ususally do all my own work on my computers I couldn't open it up and start rebuilding it because my hand couldn't lift or hold anything. Turns out that wouldn't have matters because the motherboard was fried.

    So I have been wandering all over town with 5 yes 5 doctorappointments in the last 2 weeks - 4 last week and one this week. I hate doctors. I hate seeing them even more. So between Dr appts and computer woes I haven't been a happy camper. I sure have gotten some weird looks and surruptious looks over the last 2 weeks. I'm sure people whought someone beat me up. Yesterday in the computer store a woman had the courage to ask and I told her I fell - an accident and she was so relieved that it wasn't something else - like someone's fist. So I think I'm pretty accurate that a few people were thinking that. I'll post some pics later after I load my camera program onto this machine. I look like a raccon dressed up for Halloween in people clothes

  • Violia

    You are back! Yeah. We missed you.

  • Lozhasleft

    Ah good to see you Lee ...hope you feel well soon.

    Loz x

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