Have a great weekend!
I'm going to the movies with friends tonight and then I've no big plans. Feels wonderful! (no early meetings for field service)
by Newborn 19 Replies latest jw friends
Have a great weekend!
I'm going to the movies with friends tonight and then I've no big plans. Feels wonderful! (no early meetings for field service)
I hadn't even thought about FS or Meetings - I must be cured
used to have Friday night meetings - how rubbish was that?
Yes, yes, yes!
A favorite sister is coming in from Atlanta today!
It'll be soooooooooooooooo good to see her.
Fantastic Syl!! I'm sure you'll have lot's of fun
OMG! Friday meeting sucks . Poor people...
Seriously, are you the one dancing in that costume?
I'm going out in field service tommorrow. The weather is supposed to be nice. So if all goes well, I'll try to get 2 hours in doing door to door. Afterwards I plan on doing RVs with the friends for at least an hour and a half. I've got one bible study tommorrow, and one potential bible study tommorrow. I'm looking forward to sharing the good news with those meek in heart. They'll be appreciative that there is something better than this system of things. Later on in the evening, I'm supposed to go to a small gathering during which we'll do a review of the WT Study for Sunday. That way come Sunday we'll all be prepared to offer encouraging and upbuilding comments which will encourage all in attendance. Praise Jah! Have a good weekend everybody!
MLE - At least you know you are not being a "lover of pleasure", your life of servitude to the Watchtower shall be rewarded. Your name will be entered into the "book of Life". Pity me whilst I have my lie in, drink beer all day and relax, deep down I am unhappy.
Man MLE- you caused quite a flashback with that description of your weekend....I guess being a JW is kinda like LSD, you never know when you might have a flashback.
I plan on a serious weekend of college and pro football viewing...yeah kinda lame but Alabama-Florida should be awesome