Gossip: Crit and Kelly Van Tuyl DFd

by obiefernandez 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiefernandez

    Crit and Kelly (Kats) Van Tuyl were disfellowshipped last weekend. They met on witnesses.net and married shortly thereafter. Very well known in the JW internet community and moderators of Online Friends Network.

    As some of you know Crit was my archenemy for a long time and worked tirelessly to expose me for the apostate that I am! So I got quite a laugh this morning to find out that the borg kicked them out. If anyone from the area has details I would love to find out more.


  • cynergy

    That's Karma for ya...

  • Prisca

    The same Crit and Kelly who married within a week of meeting each other?

    Cynergy, I agree with ya. What goes around comes around.....

  • Reborn2002

    Anyone know WHY they were DF?

    For some reason Online Friends Network sounds familiar. Does anyone still have the URL for it or is the site disbanded?

    The true Kingdom of God is located in your heart, not an organization of hypocrites.

    www.geocities.com/latinloverchicago/Jason1.html for my new webpage and info!! Im trying to live now!!

  • Beans

    I love these stories people trying to be good examples and then stabbing there friends in the back in the name of the WBTS and then there out 2,isn`t it sweet!!

  • cynergy
  • ISP

    Nice one Obed! Always reliable to come out with the good stuff! It would be interesting to find out the circumstances!


  • Focus


    (Out-of-focus Class)

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo

    is the focus that posts here and crit van tinkle one and the same?

  • LB

    Sooo were they DFed at the same time as the wedding? Were they able to combine the wedding celebration and the removal of Borg implants on the same day?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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