Sorry about the formatting, I tried......
Christmas celebrates love (lights) and life (the Christ within). Jesus celebrated the festival of lights at Christmas time.
What is "pagan"?? It's anything that's not Judeo-Christian. Is Judeo-Christianity the truth? This board proves every minute of every day that it is not. What was the first monotheistic religion? It was Atenism, of the Egyptians. We haev been told it was sun worship. Well, that was only for the ignorant. The initiates knew better. They knew that something was behind the sun.
The Christ is an energy, not a man, that enters through the solar plexus and resides within us. This energy enters our earthly realm through the sun, which is not a "nuclear furnace", but an interdimensional energy transformer, that is connected directly to the star Sirius, it's source. Stars are hooked up in series, ironically, just like Christmas lights. The sun "dies on the Southern Cross" (a constellation of stars just under the sun on Dec. 22nd) is "dead" for three days, and is "reborn" on the winter solstice, when the days begin to get longer again. It is an ancient celebration of the rebirth of the life. Sounds very Satanic to me!
In this day and age of information (the Internet), the Jesus-Horus connection has become very well documented. Perhaps this is why St. Augustine said...
That which is known as the Christian religion existed among the ancients, and never did not exist; from the beginning of the human race until the time when Christ came in the flesh, at which time the true religion, which already existed began to be called Christianity. ~ Saint Augustine of Hippo, Retractions, Book One, Part 12, "One Book on the True Religion."
It may also explain why Paul said that the good news of the gospel had already been preached everywhere under heaven...through MYTHS!!
Colossians 1:23 "... continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast and not being shifted away from the hope of that good news which YOU heard, and which was preached in all creation that is under heaven. Of this [good news] I Paul became a minister."
If there are any other questions, this should clear them up....
The Gnostic Nativity of Christ
So, go ahead and celebrate Christmas! It's LOVE and LIFE!