The greatest feeling when I was out in service was when it was my turn, and it was obviously a not at home. I'd get back to the car knowing it wasn't my turn again for three more stops.
This Weekend YOU Should Be Out In Service!
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
With all the means at ones disposal to contact people they choose one that is labor intensive, slow, costly, likely to result in being ignored with little more than an introduction being heard to the majority.
Contrast that with Christian Radio like Moody Radio programs, Billy Graham Crusades (who got mis-represented in too many ways) Campus Crusade for Christ (introduced more people to Jesus that the WT ever did and many of them have had a lifetime committment since then) Christian TV that gives a healthy alternative for family viewing, innumerable books by recognized Christian authors that aren't hiding behind anonimity. If you think Benny Hinn (I am not sure if he is actually Christian) is mainstream then you never watched Perry Stone, Bill Cloud, Grant Jeffrey or Andrew Womack. Some Christian writers and teachers reach the wealthiest and most difficult audiences like RaviZacharias and win people over for Christ.
We always stopped 30 minutes for donuts and coffee at 11 o'clock and called it two hours anyway then did a "return visit" on the way home to keep the clock ticking.
I am glad I am out and a Baptist. We do tuesday night visitations and the next Baptist Church over does door- to- door just like the WT says they don't.