Fox News: Did the Bible Predict the Global Economic Meltdown?

by whereami 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Fox is a real joke. I think the only people actually watching them anymore are radical right wing fundies.

    This duchebag sounds like a dub.

    I tell you I'm starting to believe this BS. These right wing fundies/tea baggers are going to make these prophecies happen.

  • journey-on

    See, whereami, here is where you are off the mark.

    Fox News Channel covers all aspects of the news: Political, Social, Entertainment, Business, Economic, Religion, etc. etc. etc.

    No biggie. They are "full service" so to speak.

    Lauren Green is SPECIFICALLY the religion correspondent. That's all. Her program which I don't watch much is all about what is happening in the religion field. Simple.

    They are not a joke as you put it and right-wing fundies are not the only people viewing Fox:

    Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for September 29, 2010

    P2+ Total Day
    FNC – 1,262,,000 viewers
    CNN – 421,000 viewers
    MSNBC – 440,000 viewers
    CNBC – 224,000 viewers
    HLN – 256,000 viewers

  • whereami

    Oh ok I see what you're saying. Their "numbers" prove it.


  • journey-on

    I wish I had one of those emoticons that keep hitting its head against the wall over and over and over.

  • bohm

    "Oh ok I see what you're saying. Their "numbers" prove it."

  • journey-on

    LOL. I guess numbers can be misleading, but we won't get into that. What can I say? I see Fox on in restaurants/bars. The dentist's office has it on in the reception area. It was on in the waiting area where I had new tires put on my vehicle.

    If you think only right-wing fundies watch Fox, you are definitely mistaken. I'm not a fundy and I watch it. But, I also watch/read/listen to all kinds of outlets.

  • BurnTheShips

    First comes the uninformed dorking.

    I think the only people actually watching them anymore are radical right wing fundies.

    Then comes the smackdown.

    P2+ Total Day
    FNC – 1,262,,000 viewers
    CNN – 421,000 viewers
    MSNBC – 440,000 viewers
    CNBC – 224,000 viewers
    HLN – 256,000 viewers

    Then comes double down on stupid

    Oh ok I see what you're saying. Their "numbers" prove it. Gotcha

    Then comes a wish

    I wish I had one of those emoticons that keep hitting its head against the wall over and over and over.

    Its my command


  • journey-on

    Thank you, Burns. That'll work!

  • cameo-d

    whereami, As far as fundies "making it happen"....there is a technique known as "Illuminati revelation of method" whereby they reveal the plans of what they intend to do, but often times it sounds so far-fetched or comical that no one really believes it. Then *smack* they do it. I could give you many instances where this has happened.

    I think he sounds rather ominous when he mentions that they plan to do it "in one hour" because in scripture, that is a figure of speech meaning a short time, not a literal 60 minutes. Illuminati could very well be orchestrating events to make it appear as though bible prophecy is being fulfilled. They are masters of Illusion. They attempt to wear people down through fear and propaganda. People are always more compliant when they are worn out.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    Bible predictions or not, you only need to know two words.




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