The Annointed - how do they know?

by Listener 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    There have been a few posters here on JWN who felt that they were of the anointed when they were JWs.

    One of them went by the nickname AMAZING! and wrote quite a bit about what his experience was like, and how he handled it when a NON-anointed Circuit Servant challenged him on his anointing. Go to the members lits at the top of the page and find Amazing!'s name, then work through the topic started by him. Amazing! only posts here occasionally now, much less than he did a few years ago.

    Another person who felt they had the heavenly calling when they were active as JWs is KOOLAID-MAN. You might want to send him a PM asking him for his answers to your questions.

    According to the Bible, the anointing is a very personal experience. "The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children." - Romans 8:16. Essentially, a person SAYS they are anointed. There is no litmus test, but it is expected that their actions will be consistent with what they claim.

  • Ding

    The whole two-class system is a WTS invention dreamed up by Rutherford. See John 6:53ff and 1 John 5:12

    Because of this, the WT's "anointing" is nothing more than a subjective feeling.

  • caliber

    For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and death ... Romans 8:2

    The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children." - Romans 8:16

    Galatians 5:22-23

    22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.
  • AGuest

    May you all have peace! I would like to respond, if I may, particularly because dear Listener (peace to you!), who is relatively new here, stated that this was a "serious matter" to him/her. I realize that there is some... ummmm... incredulity on the part of some as to my basis for responding (an anointing with holy spirit), but I would truly be remiss if I did not address some of the inaccurate statements and speculations that have been made. Please note, I mean no offense toward anyone, but just want to set the matter straight.

    Dear Kosonen (peace to you!) wrote:

    Here the grafting in to the olive tree means becoming one of the anointed.

    That is not quite accurate, dear one. The account was speaking of the non-Israelite nations being "grafted" into the "Tree [of Life" that is Christ. Israel are the "natural" branches; however, some of them were "grafted OUT" because of their rejection of Christ, the Tree. To replace them, some from out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue, and people... here, the Romans... are/were/will be... grafted IN. They are the "wild" branches. Paul (?) was cautioning the non-Israelite disciples to NOT think more of themselves than of the Jewish/Samaritan disciples... because just like those could be grafted OUT... and the nations grafted IN... the nations could just as well be grated right on out again... and those who they replaced grafted right back in.

    This is because the Jews/Samaritans... who are Israel in the FLESH... and thus, sons of Abraham... and thus, part of the 144,000 from AMONG the sons of Israel... are the "holy ones." In the "house" of God... the True Temple... these represent the "Court of Israel," which is CLOSER to the Most Holy... than the "Court of Gentiles," to which the nations will belong once the Temple, the Holy City New Jerusalem... is complete.

    Thus, the letters to the congregations were addressed "to the holy ones... AND faithful ones... in union with Christ." They were addressed those "from among the sons of Israel"... Jews (from the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah) and Samaritans (from the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel)... AND the non-Israelite nations/gentiles.

    Here, with the account you referenced, Paul (?) addressed Israel FIRST (Romans 1:1, 7)... and THEN addressed the non-Israelites (Romans 11:13).

    Dear cameo-d (peace to you, as well!) wrote:

    The "144K" are "VIRGINS" because they have never bowed to the dictates of man. They have not sworn allegiance to any power--- political or ecclesiastical---that is what makes them "virgins".

    The 144,000 are virgins... because they have been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb... AFTER which they did not bow to the dictates of man... or swore any allegiance to any power. Because they are "from among the sons of Israel," and so the ONLY way that what you state could have happened was if they were never under the Law. Even Christ himself was under the Law while in the flesh: he, too, was "married" to "Moses."

    These, however, LEFT their first "husbandly owner"... Moses... and HIS Law (the Law Covenant)... bathed in the blood (holy spirit) of God, which they received from CHRIST... and as a result were rendered "clean" and so "virgins"... so that they could be in line to be joined in marriage to CHRIST... as their "husbandly owner"... and HIS Law (the NEW Covenant). They become part of HIS "Bride."

    Dear Jookbeard (peace to you, as well!) wrote:

    I partook of the emblems this year as most here know(never again)

    May I ask, dear one, why you would never do so again? Is it because you had no empirical (or spiritual) "experience"? If so, I am to share with you that the disciples didn't "experience" anything, either, when they first partook. It was not until holy spirit was blown upon them some days later... and then poured out upon them... that they had any kind of "real" manifestation. I exhort you: if you are eating and drinking because you wish to experience some "sensual" pleasure... then it will never occur for you. If, however, you eat and drink because you DISCERN the bread as the body of Christ, who is the Tree of LIFE... and whose flesh... or "leaves"... are for our "curing"... and DISCERN the wine as his blood... which blood "cleanses" us from sin... and that by partaking of both you are (1) obeying Christ's command TO so eat and drink, (2) coming to and eating from the Tree of Life, (3) recognizing the saving/cleansing properties OF that flesh and blood, (4) doing so in order to be IN UNION with Christ and not for some selfish, miraculous, "look at me and what I can do," reason, and (5) agreeing to use whatever gifts you may receive as a result for the building up of the Body of Christ... and not the building up of yourself... then what you are seeking you WILL receive. Sooner... or later. Which shouldn't matter because your motive for doing so isn't based on a timeline, right, but on LOVE... for Christ, and through him, God, right?

    Dear Stonewall (and, peace to you, too!) wrote:

    supposedly now in our modern day and age where we could document and film this supernatural phenomenon of the spirit in action on people, it no longer has these outer signs.

    That, too, is inaccurate and a false WTBTS teaching. According to them, the "gifts" of the spirit such as prophesying and speaking in tongues ceased. They believe this, however, because like many they (1) rely on what they read in the Bible, (2) only read PART of what is written on a subject, and (3) only understand PART of the PART they read, if they understand any of it at all.

    The account does NOT say that such gifts would cease; it says that such gifts are PARTIAL... and that when that which is COMPLETE... meaning the Christ... arrives... then that which IS partial... will cease. So, for NOW... we (the Body of Christ) may prophesy... PARTIALLY... or speak in tongues, etc.,.. PARTIALLY. Because... we only KNOW partially. Christ, however, the Holy Spirit... knows ALL truth... and when he arrives... so will we. We will not need to do or know ANYTHING partially because in HIM... we will be complete.

    But those who receive the gift of holy spirit... also receive the gifts OF such spirit, including things like wisdom, knowledge, healing, powerful works, prophesying, HEARING SPIRITS, speaking in tongues, etc. Such one may receive one... or more. Depends on the will of the Most Holy One of Israel, because HE sets the Members in the Body just as HE wills. So, the gifts are given just as HE decides, for the purpose that HE decides. So that one Member cannot say to another, "You have no need/purpose." Or another Member cannot say, "I don't have THAT gift, that which the OTHER one has, so there is no use/purpose for ME." Neither statement is true. Rather, each one must discern what HIS/HER gift(s) is/are... and USE them for ONE purpose and one purpose ONLY: the building up the Body of Christ.

    There is no other proper and sanctioned use... and the gifts cannot be properly used otherwise. Any other use will most assuredly result in detriment... for the misuser(s) (of which there have been many)... and those who follow such one(s).

    Dear Prodigal Son (and, peace to you!) wrote:

    No one is chosen until after the opening of the sixth seal.

    That, too, is inaccurate, dear one. The apostles were certainly chosen before ANY of the seals were opened. So was Cornelius... Saul of Tarsus... and many others. Now, whether such ones make their calling... and choosing... CERTAIN and FULFILLED... is another story. ANY who have been anointed by holy spirit... have been chosen. That is what the anointing is. That is what the term "christ"... or "kristos"... or "messiah"... or "mischa'i'yach" means: chosen (by means of an anointing).

    Finally, dear Nathan (peace to you!) wrote:

    According to the Bible, the anointing is a very personal experience.

    That is true, sometimes, dear one, but not all the time. There are some instances when the anointing occurrs upon a group of people. The event at Pentecost 30 C. E. is one example. Cornelius' household is another. The twelve men who received it after Paul layed hands on them. And other times since... but not necessarily recorded.

    Again, I meant NO offense to anyone and I do realize that there are some who take GREAT offense to being corrected, particularly publicly. I would ask that you NOT take offense, if you find yourself so inclined, but allow yourselves to "see" that I offer these accuracies in the same spirit as did Priscilla and Aquila when expounding the way of the TRUTH "more accurately" to Apollos... a man "well-versed in the scriptures" and "aglow with the spirit." While he did teach accurately as to my Lord, he was only acquainted with the baptism of John (i.e., water baptism, in symbolism of repentance)... but NOT with the baptism by "fire"... which is the anointing... or "baptism"... with LIVING water... holy spirit.

    Again, I bid you peace, one and all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • cameo-d
    The 144,000 are virgins... because they have been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb..

    Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

  • Listener

    If you are using the reasoning that they know because they recieve the gifts of the spirit then this is made available to everyone through their dedication and baptism.

  • AGuest
    If you are using the reasoning that they know because they recieve the gifts of the spirit then this is made available to everyone through their dedication and baptism.

    May I ask exactly which "gifts" are you referring to, dear Listener? Also, you seem to be reflecting the teachings of the WTBTS which, as far as I know, do NOT believe in such gifts today for ANYONE. Can you elaborate, please?

    Thank you and peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • caliber
    If you are using the reasoning that they know because they receive the gifts of the spirit then this is made available to everyone through their dedication and baptism

    Yes everyone because if you read all of Romans Chapter 8 .... clearly it is contrasting the flesh driven with the spirit driven

    not two classes one with heavenly hope , one with earthly hope !

    Romans 8:5-9
    5 Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6The mind of sinful man[a] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7the sinful mind[b] is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. 9 You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives
    in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ
    Romans 8:14 NWT
    14 for all those who are led by the God's spirit , these are sons of GodRomans 8:16 (New International Version)
    16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.

    The WT would have you believe that only an anointed (a special class )are God's children or sons !!

    In other words it is asking........ are you directed by the flesh or spirit ?

    Romans 8:15 (New International Version)

    15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. [a] And by him we cry, "Abba, [b] Father."

    This verse above is said to apply to only a special heavenly class .. but does it ??.... read the whole chapter for yourself !!

  • Listener

    AGuest thanks for pointing that out, I mean the gift of the God's spirit - Acts 2:38. I see that those that are annointed are done so by the Holy Spirit and are given this special privilage but it would seem, other than this, that they do not recieve any more or less from the holy spirit than others might.

  • caliber

    1 Corinthians 12:7 (New International Version)

    7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

    Acts 2:38-39 (New International Version)

    38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."

    Why does it not say for some who are afar off , if in fact there is only a select group ? some would answer for all of those called..apart from the whole I would guess.

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