Video - Jehovah's Witnesses - Taking Things At Face Value
by sabastious 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good video Sab. your revealing the truth about the JWS/WTS at the same time revealing much in how
most religions structure themselves. One thing you strongly pointed out is how information is gathered and selectively poured out
upon the flock so to speak. Information control operates to keep the people indoctrinated to the doctrines of the faith,
all supposedly pure and divinely channeled from heaven in the vein of spiritual guidance. ( spiritually seered down to the flock )
When a person researches the beginnings of the organization it is clear that its foundation was created that of ignorance tainted
with outright ( Business $$$ ) corruption, which shouldn't be too surprising since it was and still is today a publishing house of religious literature.
The JWS/WTS religion is very much a taking religion rather than a giving religion in that it exploitively coerces people
with false unscriptural biblical proclamations then exploits these ones to further circulate their publishings creating more power and wealth.
Hence Its been identified as a pyramid scheme which is both power building and wealth building for the hierarchal leaders.
You pointed out the some of the many controlling fractions of this organization where anyone who doesn't wear the JW on themselves are
to be considered unworthy of association, spiritually unclean, morally decadent, spiritually engulfed with Satan's wickedness .
The organization has actually forwarded fearful guilt and shame onto people who do not participate into this self ordained scheme
as not being respectful to god's predesigned will and purpose . The all forbearing procurement of power and control and the self supporting
polices to sustain these are well built into the organization itself, defined as polices of sustainability.
If I could only add some constuctive critisim on this video it would be it could use some condensing of the information.
Keep it up Sabastious, your on the road to self discovery and you may be very well helping others at the same time.
If I could only add some constuctive critisim on this video it would be it could use some condensing of the information.
Oh yes, I am well aware of this - going to try to get my points more concise.
I think you touched on a valid point about politics that shows how JWs aren't all that unique. To quote Simon and Garfunkel, "A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest." People like to be told things that they want to hear. Glen Beck (using your example) says the right things, certainly convincing enough within a particular cultural worldview, that gain him an audience of willing listeners. How many Glen Beck listeners take his words at face value? How many will take the time to carefully study the issues from a broader historical and political perspective and question hidden premises and fallacies in the current media narratives, Glen Beck's included?
Of course, one can argue that no one is forced to "believe in" Glen Beck, and that is true among consenting adults. However, there are families that devote as much effort to politics as JWs do to the Watchtower. Indeed, children growing up in any kind of "fundamentalist" environment often face difficult choices when they discover that the family belief system, religious or political, that they are expected to accept at face value is deeply flawed.
Now, speaking from my personal perspective, my parents became Witnesses when they were teens, though they were not strictly speaking "raised in the truth." They could have easily chosen alternate paths, but back in the 1960s there were no obvious ways to refute many of the things that the Watchtower wrote like we have today with the internet. Our culture accepts certain things at face value, like belief in God, Jesus, and the Bible, that makes it possible for an organization like the Watchtower Society to gain followers. To my parents it makes perfect "sense" that things were created, that there is a God, that there is a purpose in life, and that they can live forever in Paradise.
So, growing up in "the truth" I accepted practically everything my parents said at face value, and because I had a decent home, I had few reasons to question what I was taught. As time passed, however, and I began to deal with the problems and realities of life, I increasingly saw that things didn't work the way I was told. But it can be so hard to let go of beliefs. It can be scary, but at some point you begin to realize that you hold the key to your own prison. You can choose to unlock the door to knowing. No longer are you given answers you shouldn't question. You are free to question. You even become comfortable with the idea that there may be questions for which there is no answer.
You even become comfortable with the idea that there may be questions for which there is no answer.
It took me a little bit to accept that it is the search that what our lives about, not our findings.
troubled mind
Good video Sab ! Look forward to more video's from you.
I am very impressed with your video ..your calmness, composure and extreme excellence with the power of reason and example !
It has been said that "you can't put a old head on young shoulders " but you come close to debunking this idea !
I am guessing I am twice your age but I could learn very much from the obvious deep thinking and reasoning you have done !
Once again you prove that" the pen (thought ,words) is mightier than the sword !!"
You have wisdom beyond your years to realize not force or anger but deep calm reason has the greatest power to convince and change peoples minds from the inside !
I am guessing I am twice your age but I could learn very much from the obvious deep thinking and reasoning you have done !
I appreciate the kind words! Everyone on this planet has a unique perspective and can learn from from each other, that's what I believe. I have decades of experience as a Witness since I was born in so it's a topic that I can hold my own on.
You made a good point when you said that former (and soon to be ex) JW have a tendency to just follow along, and take “at face value” whatever someone with an apparent authority states as facts. Some try to find a philosophy that can quickly replace their old JW’s beliefs system. The problem with that is, as I have found out, that there are too many charlatans and flawed beliefs systems that prey on misinformed people. And if we are not careful, we could make the same mistake again. The WT is not alone in the business of deception and coercive persuasion. There is a pervasive laziness when it comes to checking facts, “investigating is too difficult”, “thinking is too hard”, or as JW recently told me: “researching it’s like going back to school”.
Learning the truth about the truth has thought me to check any statement that is stated a fact, and it feels good to be able to say and think…well, I don’t agree with that and this is why…
Good video,
A few random thoughts, unrelated to the specific ideas being expressed.
(1) I like that there is no introductory music/graphics.
(2) The volume/lighting/video quality are excellent.
(3) You have a very sincere manner, which is free of sarcasm, arrogance, bitterness, etc.