Is that all? No major 'new light' announced or alluded to? Yawn.
Highlights of Annual Meeting 2010
by elderelite 66 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There is more but like all other meetings the WTS has tried to suggest to those who had the 'privilege' of being invited not go 'running ahead' ...
Perhaps in a few days we will hear more or someone up in Bethel will feel better about passing something onto Randy.
Jaracz invented MTS. Sydlik said it.
Just saw this.
Someone just gave me some information today I wanted to verify if at all possible. At any time during that Annual Meeting, was there any information from the platform along the lines of not being critical of the Faithful & Discreet Slave? I got this information second hand, and I question the accuracy of what was relayed to me. Has anybody else heard this? To not be overly critical of the Faithful and Discreet Slave, or the Governing Body? The way this person relayed it to me was that people are a little more than outspoken regarding the direction being recieved from Bethel and the Branches. Is this true?
Open mind
Detailed notes can be found here:
for anyone who's interested.
There is a rumour going around JW-land that the Gilead school is going to 'change', meaning being largely scaled back or even eliminated, and that emphasis will be on the MTS school for couples.
Just passing along the rumour, folks, it is not substantiated.