Mouthy says hi

by life is to short 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Mouthy says hi. She still cannot post I thought she was able to but all she can do is come on as a visitor and read.

    She asked me to let everyone know that she is still here with us just that she cannot speak. She feels she has been DF'ed again. I really feel horrible about it all. I love Mouthy she was the first person who helped me when I learned the truth about the truth and made me feel that life might be worth living. I do not know where I would have been without her. We need her back. She has helped so many This board is not the same without her.

    Just letting you know what is going on with her and why she has not been posting. Anyone that can help her please do I do not know how to help and I live to far away.

    ((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Mouthy We all love you.


  • tec


    Miss you and won't forget about you. Until someone gets you all fixed up, maybe just send someone (LITS) what you might want to say and she can post it here? What about your funnyface avatar?


  • EmptyInside

    The same thing happened to me a few months back. I couln't sign in at all. But,then, a friend told me to download firefox and try that,and it worked for me.

    And sometimes, I can't sign on with my aol browser,but when I sign on to firefox it works. Just a thought, I'm certainly no expert on this.

  • sabastious

    Has she tried restarting her computer?


  • garyneal

    Mouthy, missing you over here in Virginia.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks everyone I am sure she is reading all of your ideas. I hope something works.


  • Ding
  • littlebird

    Mouthy, we miss you ! I hope the problem gets fixed soon. Get some teenager to look at your computer, they have all the answers.

  • tec

    It happened to me again last night, actually. I shut my computer off and then restarted. I have a mac though, so it might work differently otherwise.

  • wannabefree

    Mouthy, if you are willing, I will be happy to log into your computer and fix it for you. PM me with a phone number and a convenient time and I will call.

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