What do you think will be WT doctrine in 10 or 20 years time?

by roguepixel 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    • I would declare that the JW heyday in Western countries is already well and truly over - and has been since the early 1970s. Since then growth has been sporadic, if not negative, and has increasingly consisted of recruiting the children of JWs (in contrast to their heyday when Kingdom Halls were packed with "newly interested ones").
    • Other religions now attract people in large numbers, including the more radically upbeat Christian pentecostal ones (lots of raz-ma-taz and cool music).
    • The JW organization will morph into a hard core of "dedicated" believers who will look increasingly out-of-touch with the world. For ideas on what that might look like, think either 7th-Day Adventists or Christadelphians - two religions that have taken contrasting views on how to survive: the Adventists try so hard to be "youth" oriented and "cool", while the Christadelphians resemble a pre-intake for dementia sufferers. JWs will probably be a little of both: trying hard to be cool and "with it" but coming across like pathetic fuddy-duddies.
    • As much as I loathed the pushy JW mentality of the earlier years, at least it had balls. Modern-day JWs run a mile as soon as they sniff out controversy.
  • Cadellin

    wow, what a great thread and responses. I have to pitch in, too.

    I think the subtle social schisms already brewing under the surface will grow, that is, there will be a definite sector of JWs, mostly in NA, Europe and other developed secular lands, that will simply be going along b/c of family and social ties, who will either recgonize the BS and not take it seriously or who will consciously refuse to examine it critically so they can maintain the status quo. This group, which will increase, will have the effect of neutralizing the evangelizing spirit, softening the rhetoric and generally moving toward a good works/charity/family-based theology as opposed to rampant end-times. The GB will be forced to respond with a "kinder, gentler" face or lose a heavy swathe of publishers (who might only be getting in 3 or 4 hours and that maybe in the form of visiting the elderly in nursing homes, etc.) Pioneer hours will be reduced to 50/mos., softening on the higher education stance, etc. AT the same time, in third world countries and amongst immigrant groups, there will continue to be high growth and an emphasis on end-times ideology. I think in 20 years time, English speaking JWs will be a significant minority--yet still the source of most donations, hence the need to soften the hard core dogma, as I mentioned.

    I have family members who recently came back from a trip to Patterson NY and were bubbling over with all the good experiences JWs were having in the territory around there, how the angels were directing the work, how the spirit is so dynamic and exciting with all kinds of growth happening.

  • booby

    interesting read - one big problem that I see is how do they deal with 144.000, the number. They can twist and turn the 1914 date with their goofy generation thingy, but how do you come up with a new explanation for the 144,000 number. Actually I personally understand their latest generation thingy as only a short extension for the time of the end. i don't see anywhere that they suggest the overlap as multiple overlapping. Just one overlap which still requires an overhaul if/when armageddon does not arrive soon. Besides for the majority that is what it is all about. Armageddon, paradise earth, all the troubles that at present are driving them all to pill popping taken care of. Remember the admonition not to live for a date but rather for the (whatever it is they are gonna do for the great name Jehovah) is something stated in the watchtower and not something that any adhere to. They all, each and everyone of them lives for the "date". I recently had an elder and buddy at my door. The elder admitted out loud that he did not get the generation thingy and the only thing he had to offer was the famous, where are we to go to and looking at the world conditions there just cannot be much time left. I personally believe the imminent paradise just ahead and the escape from the trialsome lives most of them live is the big hold and have to wonder how many will just tire from the waiting. I guess only time will tell.

  • Ding

    People who confidently pushed the 1975 date on me developed an amazing amnesia in 1976.

    If they ever do start hyping a new date, I think we need to urge people to pin JWs down as much as possible as to:

    1. What they say will happen when

    2. How sure they are that it will

    3. What we are entitled to conclude about the reliability of their religion if it doesn't happen

  • OnTheWayOut

    I like everything Donuthole said. I see them having to push 2034, as the young ones won't stay and the few who do will not want to take the reigns of eldership or really any responsibility. They will need an actual date of urgency. It won't be in print in the WT mag. It will be "as the days of Noah" in print then pushed by D.O.'s and Bethel speakers as "highly likely" and "evidently." It will have to be a strong enough message that they will shoot themselves in the foot when it passes and their backup plan isn't good enough for masses. They won't disappear, but they will become a smaller group after that.

    They will then reinvent the doctrine of the overlap generation and possibly finally drop 1914 or something.

    I see videos (or at least audios) starting to be widely used at conventions, then assemblies, then even in the Kingdom Hall for the midweek meeting as the elders don't want to do the parts, plus it lets the GB exert more control with exact practiced talks. Might even give it a whirl for public talks.

    I see the end of printed literature within 20 year. I see a door-to-door work using a sermon instead of literature, further shooting themselves in the foot as the members proclaim the days like those of Noah, then having to go back in 2035 to those same doors.

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