When I saw the article, "More Major Earthquakes Expected" in page 20, my first thought was WTF? Haven't they learned their lesson about predicting increases in earthquakes? Then I read the article, which shies away from any explicit claim that seismic activity is on the increase. The weirdness lies in the syntax of the title with its use of the word "more" which can mean either (1) More, as in an increase, will occur or (2) Because there have been earthquakes in the past, it is reasonable to assume they will happen in the future, w/o any increase. See what I mean?
The doublespeak continues in the sidebox entitled, "More Expected" under which the US Geological Survey is quoted as saying, "Large earthquakes will continue to occur just as they have in the past." (my emphasis). Then, one more twist, the box concludes with "Serious Bible students cannot help but think of the Bible prophecies that specifically mention earthquakes as part of the composite sign of the last days..." Yeah, but didn't the previous quote just say there's no change?? Yeah, but don't both titles say that there'll be MORE TO COME????
My brain hurts.