Odd Deconstructive Moment in the Dec 2010 Awake

by Cadellin 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cadellin

    When I saw the article, "More Major Earthquakes Expected" in page 20, my first thought was WTF? Haven't they learned their lesson about predicting increases in earthquakes? Then I read the article, which shies away from any explicit claim that seismic activity is on the increase. The weirdness lies in the syntax of the title with its use of the word "more" which can mean either (1) More, as in an increase, will occur or (2) Because there have been earthquakes in the past, it is reasonable to assume they will happen in the future, w/o any increase. See what I mean?

    The doublespeak continues in the sidebox entitled, "More Expected" under which the US Geological Survey is quoted as saying, "Large earthquakes will continue to occur just as they have in the past." (my emphasis). Then, one more twist, the box concludes with "Serious Bible students cannot help but think of the Bible prophecies that specifically mention earthquakes as part of the composite sign of the last days..." Yeah, but didn't the previous quote just say there's no change?? Yeah, but don't both titles say that there'll be MORE TO COME????

    My brain hurts.

  • AllTimeJeff

    At least your brain hurts. Their brains don't work!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    Serious Bible students

    There's the disconnect. You're not serious! If you were serious, your thoughts would just go directly from "More earthquakes expected" to "this must be a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy". To somehow question whether there are more in the sense of increase or more in the sense of further is going BEYOND where a SERIOUS Bible student's mind should go.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Serious Bible students

    As opposed to funny bible students...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Equivocation from the Borg? In their PR Rag?


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    As opposed to funny bible students...

    ROFLMAO! Seriously, they need to up the intelligence quotient in the writing department sooner rather than later...

  • hamsterbait

    They want to seem to be saying something IMPORTANT whislt saying NOTHING.

    Remember the Scientist who studied frogs? I am CONVINCED this can be applied to Dubbie reasonings!!!

    He went to the pond and caught a large Bullfrog.

    He put it on the dissecting table and yelled "JUMP!!" The startled frog jumped.

    Scientist writes in notebook "Frog understands and jumps on command."

    Scientist ties frogs front legs together, then yells "JUMP!!!" again. Startled frog jumps.

    Scientist writes in notebook: "even with front legs tied, frog jumps on command. Compliant personality.

    Scientist ties all the frogs limbs together, then yells "JUMP!!!" Frog does not move.

    Scientist writes: "with all legs tied, frog becomes deaf and uncooperative."


  • sd-7

    This must be another example of dishonest/questionable presentation of facts. The U.S. Geological Survey's website specifically shows, using statistics, that the number of earthquakes has by and large remained constant. The only difference is that we are currently better able to detect earthquakes than we were 100 years ago.

    Look, some incredible stuff happened in the 20th century. But the fact is, our time is no more special than anybody else's. Jesus specifically said NOT to get worked up about earthquakes, wars, etc., because these things were not in themselves--even occurring worldwide--any indication of when the 'end' would come. Otherwise, by tracking earthquakes, wars, food shortages, we should logically be able to predict some sort of breaking point when the end would have to come in order to preserve humanity. If anybody CAN'T do that, it's the same people who used to think vaccinations were from the Devil.

  • straightshooter

    Yes the WTS has played it well in using the word "more". Though it appears they meant the second meaning, most jws and others will take the first meaning: "More, as in an increase, will occur." Sadly I have known jws who never read the articles but went by the title of the article as knowing what the contents were.

  • ssn587

    here! here! no one should expect the R&F dubbies to use much common sense as it is not allowed, Critical thinking skills are a thing of the Past just listen to the idiots behind the curtain.

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