I am not gonna lie, i know i did somewhat, and here's my story of it.
I remember my mom and her girl-friend (yes, she WAS bi-sexual, her GF was a lesbian.) and my mom's Gf..um..let's call her Jill (not her real name) was very..well, not very but was somewhat strict almost over everything, i remember i couldn't evfen watch that 70's show! (best comedy ever man) but yet, i saw her watching an R-rated movie and it was okay for her, but it wasn't okay for me to watch something that had sexual humor in it.
as for school, she said i wasn't even suppose to be celebrating holidatys or have parties,so i started to feel horrible and stuff. so i was an outcast-but it wasn't long before my mom stepped in (i love you mom <3) she said i could go to parties and stuff, (i could go to b-day parties sometimes if my mom knew the parents of my friends) and i no longer felt alone, better yet, when my mom laid off the restrictions that her Gf had made the rules about. i felt good, and i started to have friends,sure they knew about my religion (JW) but we never let religions come in between our friendships.
But Jill was getting very smart, convincing my mom that i couldn't hang with my friends who were non-JWs, and things, so of course, my mom fell for it, so there i was again, in 3rd grade, alone. but it wasn't until 4th grade, i begin to make smart moves like not telling which day the holidays were on, and stuff, but i then felt so guilty, so i told my mom about it, she didn't lecture me about it because she knew that i was feeling very lonely.So she again called off the restrictions, this time, she was giving me her restrictions, which wasn't much.
i am now 15, my mom broke up with her and is trying to get right with Jehovah, however, she still isn't restrictive too much. not to mention she has a loooong way to go before she's even a JW. so idk if i'm suppose to be happy, or feel bad...well, for now i am happy.
but enough about me. tell me about your story/experiences and how did you feel about it.
love, BT. ^_^