Ok, so the WT isn't a prophet...

by sabastious 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    At the meeting Sunday, the point was to "just be obedient" even if, we don't fully understand why at the time.
    That is disturbing on so many levels.

    It implies that the leaders "know better" than the rank and file. It reminds me of when Obama told America "they didn't explain the health care bill good enough." No way it could be a bad idea it just needs to be explained better.


  • VoidEater

    leaving: "Fact" doesn't mean what you think it does

    Brilliant! ;-)

  • Ding

    Don't they claim to have been selected by Jesus to provide meat in due season?

    A lot of the meat they have provided has proven to be infected, but they never seem to be held accountable.

    They claim to be the only organization on earth that "understands the deep things of God," but they forget to mention this when they are caught in yet another embarrassing failed prophesy or doctrinal flip-flop.

    Their nitpicking distinctions regarding not having said "these are the words of Jehovah" is reminscent of the Pharisees' position on oaths that Jesus rebuked in Matthew 23:16: "Woe to you, blind guides! You say, 'If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if anyone swears by the gold of the temple, he is bound by his oath.'"

    Doesn't anyone who teaches falsehood in the name of Jehovah dishonor Jehovah?

    Isn't it have been better not to use His name at all than to misuse it?

  • Ding

    I once heard a tape in which a JW told Walter Martin, "The WT is a prophet in a sense..."

    He replied, "No, none of this `prophet in a sense' business. Either they're a prophet of Jehovah or they're not a prophet of Jehovah. Which is it?"

    Kind of cut through all the WT BS...

  • leavingwt
    meat in due season

    With friends like WT, who needs enemies?

  • wasblind

    SAB, I could just kiss you for this post I finally had a return visit,

    and everything I pointed to out of their literature, didn't do any

    good because they kept saying they were not prophets, and the

    illustration they used was that of a single mother who did duel roles

    of being a parent, but she is not a father. I was left speechless

    it wasn't until they left, is when i thought about it, and realized that

    the single mom didn't claim inspiration from holy spirit, or predictated

    the future.

  • wasblind

    Hey Outlaw, I even showed them that picture out of the proclaimers book

    that's on page 163. Guess what ? it didn't phase them. they caught me off gaurd

    this time but i'm gonna be prepared next time



    The WBT$ teaches JW`s to ignore anything that makes the WBT$ look bad..

    Even WBT$ Information..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • wasblind

    They wore me out Outlaw, I haven't been online a whole lot this week cause I've been busy

    I was not fortified with power from the forum, but I'll be waitin' they got me good this time

    but I'll be waitin'.



    Don`t put a lot of Emotional Investment,into trying to show JW`s they are wrong..

    It will wear you out..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are Brain Dead,so they have nothing to lose..LOL!!..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

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