Joe, you were wearing a tank top??
Name Some Stupid Organization/ Congregation Rules
by minimus 60 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
A person gets reproved, and they're still ok to participate in field service, however they're restricted from either commenting, or being a student in the Theocratic Ministry School, the latter of which I find completely asinine. Essentially, a person can participate, even be encouraged to be active in field ministry, but because of being reproved, they're restricted from mimicking field service on Thursday evenings at the Theocratic Ministry School. So the WT wants them in field service, but doesn't want them playing a charade of field service at the Theocratic Ministry School? Senseless.
No Room For George
A good friend of mine observed something that he wished I'd share respectfully with you, as he's currently incapacitated at work.
"The logic is especially confusing when you consider that ANYONE off the street can comment at a meeting-- whether they smoke, celebrate Christmas, or live with their boyfriend or girlfriend. Yet that same person cannot share in the ministry because their conduct isn't yet in line with Christian standards. Fast-forward to after that person is baptized, if they get reproved for their un-christian conduct they no longer qualify to comment, yet are encouraged to continue preaching.
Based on that, BEFORE BAPTISM, you have to qualify to preach but not to comment; AFTER BAPTISM, you have qualify to comment but not to preach.
I always enjoy bringing this question up and watching everyone squirm!" -
George, That is a good one. I don't think I had ever disected it that way.
Yes, you can associate with an unbelieving mate and the JW spouse if your intent is to get him into the "Truth". But if a"brother" is "weak", you should avoid him....
Like "St George" I'm in the UK
I was a JW from 1971 -2001.In that time never came across probably 95% of rules that have been mentioned.
Never came across any congregation where it was white shirts only.
In fact in all the years I was a JW I never wore a white shirt, even for public talks.
The no beards thing, I think was the only one that was common.
Yet even then I have met brothers who had beards.
I recall going to an Elders/Min Servant school one year,
and two Elders, not young guys either, from North Scotland both had full beards.
It certainly stirred things up amongst the other brothers.Over time I've noticed that the majority of these "rules" seem to be American congregations.
Many at the whim of local Elders. -
Having read most of these rules, I am a little struck by the Society's claim to not make rules. Notice this from Awake 1-8-2000, p27.
Paul points out that “where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17; James 1:25) God wants us to use this freedom, not as an inducement for selfish cravings, but to train our perceptive powers to distinguish right from wrong. (Galatians 5:13; Hebrews 5:14; 1 Peter 2:16) Hence, in a matter where there is no clear violation of Bible principles, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not create a hard-and-fast rule. Instead, each Christian must weigh the circumstances at hand and make a personal decision.
The 21st Century Pharisees.
They don't make "hard and fast" rules in their Public WT's etc but they sure do it in a covert, sly way.
Many years ago I knew a Brother who challnged their dislike of beards, he was about to be used on a Circuit Assembly, but was told he could not have the "privilege" unless he shaved it off, he said "show me that in print" knowing that at the time there was nothing in the WT etc
The Bro handling the item then showed him the instructions for Bros doing Assembly items that the WT gives to such as him, in it it said "no beards".
The irony of this whole thing was that they wanted the beardy to recount an experience he had whilst in F.S, to do this at an Assy he would have to shave off the beard that he was wearing when he had said experience !
Pharisees aint the word for it ! Numbnuts is much closer.
Several years later beards were allowed at our C. A on the platform, I suppose the Bible Principle that they based the "Instructions for handling Assembly Items" on had changed, yes ?