Expecting the drivers to see you is putting your life more in danger
Stupid F&cking Cagers!
by Mythbuster 27 Replies latest jw friends
Just got back from my ride. aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I feel so much better!
NEVER expect cagers to see you on a motorcycle!
I hope I don't offend anyone but I call them "murder cycles". My son on here knows what I think about them!
I left the hospital a few weeks ago after my shift and came upon a motorcycle accident that had just happened. I was the first responder on the scene so I stopped (I was on my bike) man and woman from PA on a harley very experienced fairly low speed accident nobody knows what the heck even happened they just lost control and went ass over biscuit. The bike was standing UP in the road no damage at all the bike went sideways and she went off one side he went off the other the bike came to rest on his leg standing up.
She died on the scene, he died 2 days later in the ICU... It's really shaken me up about riding, I'm thinking about selling my bike now. I've had one since I was 15 I've put over 30,000 miles on this one and I just keep seeing that woman laying there dead in the road...
I saw a guy get hit by a train as he walked across the tracks. Then there was this other guy I know that was rollerblading and took a nasty fall, broke his neck and died.
Yeah I know, and working in the hospital I see people die all the time. I know life isn't safe and the one thing that is fo' sho' is that none of us is getting out alive. And I'm not saying don't ride. Heck I'm still riding but this just kinda hit me when my guard was down...
I dunno, I guess it was off topic. Sorry didn't mean to hijack your thread....
I used to ride a big race-tuned British bike in my youth, I had the odd altercation and many a near miss.
What I wish to see invented is a hologram that bikers can project in front of them that makes them look like a "monster" truck, the sort that crush saloons etc.
The sight of that bearing down on them should make the buggers wait !
Mkr, it's cool. I guess that's why I got so mad. It doesn't have to be this way. If people, and I mean cagers, would slow the f*ck down and realize they are not the only ones on the roads and if they take those few extra seconds to look, those types of stories would become fewer.