No brighter light this time? Disappointing. Nothing to scoff at.
More AGM News !!!!!
by yknot 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
its all the same, they are just turning the tortilla around. Next decade they will revert.
New Stuff:……
1-year trial starting mid-2011 of a ‘Simplified English’ language WT edition for countries where English is a 2nd language; if successful, benefits are extended to the translation departments as well as to parents of young children.
What are they trying to do now? Start a worldwide organized English class/courses for countries 'where English is a 2nd language' using only a WT mag? I would hope they then try to least offer that also in countries where English is the 1st language. (See how long that lasts) Are they trying to create some kind of an educational school semblance to impress the U.N. or the European Union organization?
Also, if successful, benefits are extended to the translation departments as well as to parents of young children.
Is this some of effort to create some type of "Sunday school" level of WT for JW kids?
1-year trial starting mid-2011 of a ‘Simplified English’ language WT edition
That's hysterical.
What, the Watchtower, written at about a 7th grade reading level, is too tough?
"See Dick. See Jane. See Dick and Jane preach. Preach preach preach! How good it is to preach!"
What's next, a Dr. Seuss edition?
"I like Family Worship night, yes I do, it's pappy's chance, to explain the light (new)."
aligot ripounsous
a ‘Simplified English’ language WT edition for countries where English is a 2nd language
First step to suppressing a number of translation departments in bethels. Can't wait to see what the simplified French literature will look like.
part deux.....(not the greatest formating..... wonky today!)
aligot ripounsous
if successful, benefits are extended to the translation departments
Sorry, I hadn't paid enough attention to what follows in the report. In fact this is the confirmation of the previous post, they are very likely to plan the disbandment of translation departments specialising in rare languages.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Confirmation of all 6 Central American countries merging under the Mexican Branch. The Bethel family staff has been reduced from 300 to 75.
Hail the theocracy ever downsizing!
Goodie! Now if they can get that 75 down to zero! Anybody want to buy some slightly used cult real estate in Central America?
Clear Emotional Blackmail!
Example: An adult child who lives outside of the household is DFd? While the term ‘Necessary family business’ is a term familiar with those in this circumstance; the GB wants to stress there is no need to push this to the extreme! ….Basically to shorten the example and to get to the heart of the matter….. there must be incentive for the DFd person to want to return. Parents are encouraged to give a little but to leave the DFd child desiring for more while promoting their actions as motivate by their love for Jah. The end result is hope that the DFd child in wanting full access to the abundant love of his parents willl also begin to see his losses in not having a relationship with Jehovah and seek reinstatement.
This example given is nothing but plain blackmail, emotional blackmail. "Parents are encouraged to give a little but to leave the DF'd child desiring for more while promoting their actions as motivated by their love for Jah." It seems wicked and evil to manipulate one's offspring like that, to withhold love from your child and make it seem as if motivated by love for God. How very un-Christian and wicked!
The emotional blackmail is so clear and so very "brazen." Whoever thought of this scheme in such terms is just a plain bully and manipulator with peoples emotions. It pushes the boundaries of human compassion and love for others and then it says that "there's no need to push..." 'Necessary family business' "to the extreme!"
What about the WTS pushing their "Family Business" as in a coercive manipulative crime mob, a spiritual mafioso organization and emotional blackhole, being pushed beyond the limits of decency.