Joliette's mom says: 'Can you imagine how good sex is gonna feel in the new system?' WTF?

by Joliette 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joliette

    Elderelite: What did you say about Milton Henschel?? LOL

    And yes, thats true, why would the Holy Spirit do that? lol. Especially a Pedo.

    If a person is gay thats there business but I understand what you mean.

    Ynot: Is he really fun? I saw some picture of him on youtube with a lay around his neck.

  • elderelite

    shit joleitte i cant spell it right now... the person at a carnivel.. a cuircus performer who is limber.. you now what i mean.. contorsionist.. he was really tall and skinny.. if you ever saw pulp fiction he looked like the gimp.. ifyou dint well.. dont look it up

  • Ding

    It's amazing how JWs relate everything to the Watchtower, new system, etc.

    Of course, the WTS doesn't give them much time to think about anything else.

    Joliette, maybe you could make it your goal to steer conversations with your mother into non-religious areas and just relate on a human level -- cooking, painting, sports, whatever. Sometimes that helps people in a cult develop their non-cult personality to a point where they can see how warped their cult really is.

  • Joliette

    Oooooh, okay Elderelite.

    Ding I shall keep that in mind. Thank you.

  • elderelite

    look i know it is spelled bad but it makes sense... a carnival perofrmer who is limber ...

  • Joliette

    My brother said he's gonna be a professional chillaxer in the new system...I was like, what? lol.

  • Joliette

    Most of GB is going to be in heaven, right? (or @ least in J-Dub land they are).

  • elderelite

    translation= bumb, hobo, slacker

  • Joliette

    Elderelite: I know, basically lazy in the new system, and he says he's proud of it. LOL.

  • Joliette

    My dad says he doesnt care what he is, as long as he gets to wrestle with a male lion (another wtf moment?)

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