Hmmm, you’ve confused me. Where has the WTS said that the number may be figurative?
Sorry to be a stickler, but we can’t be making statements that can’t be verified.
by FatFreek 2005 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hmmm, you’ve confused me. Where has the WTS said that the number may be figurative?
Sorry to be a stickler, but we can’t be making statements that can’t be verified.
BP: I am sorry for any confusion. My statement about it being a figurative number is how one might interpret the meaning of the first post. This is not how I understood the post and the Society has not changed the 144,000 from literal to figurative. However, in application there is a problem since it seems the 144,000 limited has been exceeded. The Society has acknowledged this but now makes a distinction between genuine and non-genuine partakers/anointed. Therefore, we can conclude that the Society has admitted that the number of partakers/claimed anointed over time has exceeded the limit of 144,000.
And thank you for demanding verification and clarification of claims!
I can see what you are saying, and I agree with you regarding the problem for the Society to be sticking to the interpretation of the 144,000 to be literal.
However, we can't say that the Society has admitted to anything unless they plainly say so. Although we can read between the lines, we can't be making claims until we see something in plain writing from the WTS.
My understanding is the 144000 is still literal. The annointed chosen after 1935 are there to replace the unfaithful members chosen before 1935.
It's all bollocks, there are no annointed, just mortal humans with an ego issue.
Sometimes, after knowing the thinking (?) process of the organization/GB, there can be a type of 'methodology' of their changes. They don't come right out totally with their changes as even their own members don't even recognize the change yet. The GB give a 'half point' (or their half truth), which sometimes is just testing their water (or crap). Then later, they come up with their 'half-point' as a fact and that they said their 'whole truth' back on such and such date.
For example, last year, we got info about their "overlapping generation" change. We spotted immediately that. No uproar within the organization about that. There are no doubt some within the organization at this point still muddling about that, trying to figure just what that means.
We can 'spot on' immediately, or perhaps yet an experienced guess what they are trying to do. But we know the GB have painted themselves in many corners and are trying to 'tip-toe' out, but we see their dirty foot prints clearly.
There is no change as of yet and I would be surprised to see it change anytime soon. Genuine and not genuine covers the number problem and can be successfully used for a long time. I can see them changing the idea that all the first century Christians were of the anointed class as it's already becoming a problem with newer younger partakers. Removing that explaination would allow many more future partkers to continue while claiming that many first century christians must have been of the other sheep while keeping 144k number intact. They already claim that apostasy started sometime near the end of the 1st century thus they need to change the original christians from being all anointed to some having the calling while others haven't and that's why we may be seeing the increase of the anointed in our day as the end draws nearer these positions need to be filled and that's why the anointing is increasing because God needs them seales before the end.
just my 2 cents
This is the logic I think:
The 144,000 were going down and new "annointed" people were rare and deemed "replacements" for unfaithful annointed ones.
The fact that the number is now raising by the thousands would indicate that it is going ABOVE 144k because they stated that the vast majority had already been picked. But that couldn't be so with the number now raising hundreds/thousands every year.
Does any body know how many people have partaken since 1874? I am sure its well over 200k already
Does any body know how many people have partaken since 1874? I am sure its well over 200k already
Plus all the first century christians, they must run into many, many thousands at least.
One source says in the 1st century estimates 500,000 Christians. Any other sources?