John Lennon and JW... (...a credible source)

by Confucious 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Confucious


    Of course John Lennon's would be 70th birthday was yesterday.

    So just a discussion - and please - no hate'in... just some discussion.

    But I personally know of a very high ranking JW member (think highest you can basically get...) who related this story to me how some JW's talked to John Lennon shortly before he wrote "Imagine."

    When he told me - he did preface it by saying it was "hearsay..." that he couldn't prove it.

    But listening to the song tonight - I could see how it could be possible.



  • cantleave

    JW's are delussional, they think the world is against them and they have influence on the world. They are in fact a two bit cult that the world laughs at, because everyone else sees their stupidity.

    IMO JL wouldn't have given a shit about what some stupid dub said at his door. If you listen to the lyrics they are more humanist than religious.

  • Violia

    I'd have to have the name of that source before I even began to believe one word of that.

    The above poster is right, jws are a cult who are legands in their own mind.

    JL imagined a world without religion.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Lennon later felt that this song should have been a Lennon/Ono collaboration. He got the idea from Yoko's book Grapefruit, which is a book of instructions, with things like "Imagine the sky crying..." or "Imagine you're a cloud."

    Some people have wondered if Lennon included a message in the video for this song as well. In the video, Lennon is dressed as a cowboy and Yoko Ono is dressed as an Indian squaw. This could be a kind of message about all cultures getting along.

    Another JW MYTH... JW's can be full of BS even the Highest Ranking ones....

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I heard from a reliable source that John Lennon invented the Smurfs.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, I saw it in the movie FORREST GUMP: Forrest appears on the Dick Cavett Show because he went to China to represent the U.S. in Ping Pong. John Lennon was there also.

    John Lennon: Welcome Home.

    Dick Cavett: You had quite a trip. Can you, uh, tell us, what was China like?

    Forrest Gump: Well, in the land of China, people hardly got nothing at all.

    John Lennon: No possessions?

    Forrest Gump: And in China, they never go to church.

    John Lennon: No religion too?

    Dick Cavett: Oh, hard to imagine.

    John Lennon: Well, it's easy if you try, Dick.

    But seriously, folks. IMAGINE is an anti-war song. Lennon was asking people to imagine a place where things that divided people (like religion and countries and acquiring of possessions) did not exist. If JW's had spoken to him, his message would have been a slap in the face to what they told him. This is one of those JW urban legends, the posters above call it right.

  • 3Mozzies

    I've heard the same BS story here in Australia that his song was written because he spoke to witnesses.


  • nelly136

    the song talks of no religion and everyone getting along and living in peace,

    not really the genocidal imaginings of the jws.

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    They say the same thing about Stairway to Heaven.

  • Ding

    Maybe Michael Jackson sold John a subscription to the Watchtower...


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