Strange statement in last week's study article

by civicsi00 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oldlightnewshite

    The can of worms is well and truly opened.

    If Jesus' genetic material all came from Jehovah, (which is the only explanation that stops the WT digging themselves into a hole) then how is both Joseph and Mary's lineage even relevant?

  • designs

    This is the old Catholic argument, was Jesus the result of a fertilized egg from Mary or was he just a space alien riding along in the womb.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Can you say, "complete insanity"?

    yes you can.

    Thanks for reminding me why I left the crazy world of organized religion for good. (not that I needed any reminding - haha)

    I'm glad I continue to log in here once in awhile to see what's happening back in the wild and crazy world of the Jehovah-ites. It entertains me.

    The Oracle

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    To clarify the "what about Mary's genes?" question, I think the Borg doctrine is that Mary was simply a surrogate and that her eggs had nothing to do with Jesus. Jehovah put Jesus in there miraculously and nine months later he was born.

  • ziddina
    ""As a perfect human, Jesus could have concluded that he, like Adam, had the potential for fathering a perfect race. ..."

    As several others here have pointed out, for "Jesus" to have "fathered" a "perfect" race, he would have needed a "perfect" wife....

    BUT... Their implication that he DIDN'T need one, and that "Adam" really didn't need a perfect "Eve", is just another sly, misogynstic attitude of the Watchtower Society - implying that only the MAN'S "seed" counts...

    And it also hearkens back to that belief that the baby was fully formed in the man's sperm, and all the female provided, was the equivalent of a 'fertile field' for the "seed" to grow in...

    Since we're still dealing with ignorant sheepherders here, albeit a bit more educated from their contact with the PolyTheistic Greeks [Idols!! {{shudder...}} ], the New Testament writers still had no clue that the male only provides one half of one chain of DNA to the life process...


  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Since we're still dealing with ignorant sheepherders here, albeit a bit more educated from their contact with the PolyTheistic Greeks [Idols!! {{shudder...}} ], the New Testament writers still had no clue that the male only provides one half of one chain of DNA to the life process...

    What makes you think the GB is any more informed? In fact I thought that is who you were talking about at first!!


  • pirata

    On a positive note, this point made a bible study in our congregation go "huh", start asking different JWs about it, and receiving different answers from each one.

    We should have more speculation and what-if scenarios in the Watchtower, it may make the brothers think.

  • sd-7

    Jesus "could have" killed Satan himself and established one world government on his own. Jesus "could have" lived for as long as he wanted to. Jesus "could have" snapped some Pharisees' necks and beat the snot out of the entire Roman Army by himself. Jesus "could have" had a ham sandwich when nobody was looking. But Jesus never desired such things, because they were not Jehovah's will for him.

    See? It really works for anything!


  • VoidEater

    I think this statement is nothing more than brainwashing people into thinking they are Deep, Meaningful and Have The Answers.

  • Gregor

    C,mon people, as idiotic as the Watchtower's (usual) reasoning is, it's no worse that the daft reasoning found in the Bible: Jesus' mother, Mary, was an "imperfect" human, yet she gave birth to this "perfect" man, explained away as "the virgin birth".

    If you can swallow that Scriptural nonsense, you can swallow anything after that, including the same sort of twaddle written a couple of thousand years.

    This is a great post, Steve. It cuts into the entire lunatic fantasy of Christianity. The only thing you could have added was that this babies sacrificial blood was the only thing that his father, God Almighty, would accept as valid payment in exchange for forgiving people who masturbate or who have oral sex etc.

    PS. "Twaddle" is one of my favorite words.

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