Kingdom Ministry School for Congregational Elders

by Kent 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Kent

    Kingdom Ministry School for Congregational Elders
    for the 2002 Service Year

    Hi Folks!

    On Watchtower Observer - you can now listen to this meeting both as streaming audio, or download all the talks as MP3 files.

    Anyone who wants to download the files - or who wants to set up a mirrir-site, please do. I will like to know what sites who do this, so I can add links to the site.

    If you use the "Streaming" audio, you will get a "warning" - just press Open - and the streaming will start immedeately.

    I guess the Witchpower Libel & Crap Society of Transylvania will love me even more than before - but I just can't help it.

    They are so eager to spread the "Good News" - and I just feel like helping them. Normal rank & file JWs should be interested in knowing how these bastards wants to handle judicial cases, among other things.

    We give a big hand to 'Motorola' for the help.

    Please notice you will need to "right-click" the "MP3" button and use "Save Target As" to download the MP3 file. If you just click the button, you'r player will start - and that's not the thing....

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Stephanus

    Kent, is there any chance of a transcript for those of us with slow connections who don't have hours to waste listening to this stuff, riveting though it may be?

  • kpax

    Cool when they say: No tape recordings, only notes!



  • Norm

    I have listened to it for a while. Talk about incredibly boring crap.
    All that bullshit about "manifesting the fruits of spirituality" as those morons have any idea of what spirituality is.

    What they seem to manifest the fruits of in real abundance is stupidity. Certainly God could't possibly find a bunch of cretins less qualified to become "princes of the earth" as they also kept blabbing about.


    PS. It was really hilarious to listen to the opening remarks where the conductor urged people not to use tape recorders, well the whole elders meeting is taped and in excellent quality too. It is as far as I know a very recent meeting too.

  • fodeja

    Wow, I pity those who had to attend. It's almost impossible not to yawn after only the first couple of sentences.

    Amazing how you get all this stuff, Kent.

    BWAHAHAH! The guy actually says "this is no time for drowsiness", and that it will take some effort to fight it...


  • Kent

    I'm afraid I have no time to type all these talks. If someone feels like it, be my guest :)

    Again, if anyone do have the posibility of hosting these files, please tell me about it. Today they are hosted on a private server, with slow lines - and the poor guy who hosts them can't use his connection for nothing! Heavy downloading and streaming is "killing" his computer, and all get slow downloads.

    So, PLEASE! Anyone who can host them, and we'll send you all the files. Also, if anyone sends me the passwords neccesary, we can add the files from here - so you don't need to do any work at all.

    Mail me at [email protected] if you have a possibility of helping out.

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • nicolaou


    I'd be more than happy to host these files at DNC - just give me a day or so to set it up and I'll let you know the precise url.

    Also, I'm still receiving UK Kingdom Ministry's. I'll make a point of scanning each new one as I get it and posting it here where you (and everyone else) can grab it.

    Are you up to date with KM's? If you've got any missing from the past couple of years just let me know.

    Keep sticking it to 'em Kent!


  • Motorola

    That's great!Looking forward to using my PC again ;).

  • Kent
    Thanks nicolaou!

    I'm afraid the load on the server it's on as nore or less "ruined" it completely. We didn't believe SO many people should be interested in downloading these files, but that's what happened.

    I just got a phone, and the guy running that server told me it had "gone down" by the load :)

    Anyway - I will try to get the file to another format as well - and see if that will help. As far as I know, the Windows Media files will stream - and they are considerably smaller. One guy is testing this for me just now, and so far it seems we may save some place around 35% of the size.

    As soon as you've set this up, we can send you the files. I will need the URL to the directory carrying the files - so I can link to them from The Watchtower Observer.

    Again, thanks a lot!

    Me thinks this was a hard blow for the Watchtower - and if they knew what other audio-recordings I'm sitting on - they would get their pants filled in less than 2 seconds!

    Gosh - modern technology is really something :)

    Yachyd Da


    I need the new KM's as they come! Please send me scans!

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Once again Kent:

    You have outdone yourself and you continue to amaze me! Thank you for your hard work and the effort of your friends! I appreciate the information.

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