I've decided to officially disassociate myself

by Garrett 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • SAHS
    Congratulations, Garrett! I’m always glad to hear about someone like you who has the gumption and personal fortitude to break out of a silly and obviously man-made society such as the WT organization/corporation. I believe you’ve certainly done the right thing. Sending a letter of disassociation to those clowns in New York who think they’re really something when they’re really nothing is actually a laudable action in that you are being true to yourself and innate human dignity in standing up to what is really nothing more than classic charlatanry. Once again, congratulations!
  • cofty
    Well done, and good luck for your future.
  • Oubliette

    Garrett: I haven't had depression since I left, I feel much more confident and I feel so free and liberated that at times I'm not too sure what to do with it.

    Good for you. Many people have the same experience.

    Welcome to the rest of your life!

  • Xanthippe
    Congratulations Garrett. My husband and I disassociated and never looked back. You will be free of JWs trying to draw you back and will be able to move on and make new friends and explore new ideas.
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Excellent! There is definitely something to be said for the ripping-the-band-aid-off method. Beats the constant state of emotional nausea induced by the slow fade. . .
  • Finkelstein
    Garrett all he best to you , you've left a lying, corrupt and dangerous mind controlling cult.
    You have do better now.

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