3Mozzies: Loved the cartoon. I must now tell you my theory that the internet has ruined true romance for all time.
Why shower, get dressed, call a woman on the phone and ask her out, make an effort to make mildly interesting and amusing small talk, hold her hand, steal a kiss and do all that work necessary to seduce her, spend all night making love and pleasuring her in the hopes that you yourself might receive equal pleasure, when, with a with a high speed modem, a credit card and a minimum of effort, you can sit in front of the computer screen, unwashed, unkempt, have the most gorgeous airbrushed teenage girls show you EVERYTHING in glorious brightly lit closeup, while you wank yourself off in five minutes, grunt a few times, and still manage to fall into bed in time for Jimmy Kimmel?
Thank you all for listening to my internet rant. I will now bid you adieu!