Cooking With Leolaia

by Leolaia 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I'm off today and I'm going to Costco and Whole Foods Markets so I may try to make this tonight. One question: Is Ginger paste easy to find? Can I substitute fresh grated ginger? We have a lot of Asian markets by me but I don't know if I'll be able to get to one today.

    Thanks for the list at the end. It makes it easy to see what I already have and what I need to get. I already have most of the ingredients and will only need to get a few things.

    I find this kind of funny because last night I was up at about 2 in the morning reading the book "The Wave" and I was at a part where Laird Hamilton was ordering his breakfast, eggs and Mahi Mahi and was thinking I should make Mahi Mahi for dinner tonight (I cook dinner when my wife is working and I'm off). Then decide see what was on the JWN and came across your post.

  • snowbird



  • Markfromcali
  • PSacramento
    Okay, I'm going to go Rachael Ray on you

    Still waiting....


  • Leolaia

    Wow, how cool that some people want to try it. Let me know how it tastes. Remember, it takes about an hour of cooking to make the pineapple sauce. I made this dish for Barbara and Joe Anderson and Jim and Marilyn Penton and I think they liked it!

    One question: Is Ginger paste easy to find? Can I substitute fresh grated ginger?

    Well I got all my ingredients at Safeway, but I bet mine is stocked with more Asian-oriented foods than Safeways elsewhere. Whole Foods should have a fresh ground ginger puree in a tube. If not, yeah, sure, you can grate your own. The trickier thing is getting the Thai sauce. It should have lemongrass and cilantro and a little bit of red pepper. If there isn't anything like what I posted, you can make your own lemongrass/cilantro/red pepper blend. The fresher the ingredients, the better!

    Don't forget the macadamia nuts. :)

  • snowbird

    I don't like macadamia nuts.

    Will almonds or pecans suffice?


  • Leolaia

    I don't know about almonds but I'd try cashews or pecans.

  • snowbird



  • I quit!
    I quit!

    My goodness this really is an apostate dish. Do you think my wife will see the light about the Watchtower once she has tasted this dish?

    I made this dish for Barbara and Joe Anderson and Jim and Marilyn Penton and I think they liked it!

    I've got to stop hanging around here and get going if I'm going to do it. Thanks again Leolaia

  • AudeSapere

    Looks great!

    Bookmarking, as suggested.


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