Lets see who gets closer to the number. Bets will end when the new Yearbook is ready (when is that?)
I say 11000
by cyberjesus 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lets see who gets closer to the number. Bets will end when the new Yearbook is ready (when is that?)
I say 11000
I already guessed 11,000
I say 11060, then!
There has been a 24% increase in 3 years in memorial partakers.
2006: 8,758
2009: 10,857
If the number of publishers and partakers continue to grow at their same rates then in a little over 120 years the WTS will have to come up with some new light to explain there being more partakers than publishers. That will be the point when bible studies or worldlies can have a sip & nibble and all the Bethel facilities would switch to making wine & bread.
PS I guess 11,300
My guess is 11,765.
12,144...nice round number..
My bet is if the numbers keep increasing they will stop publishing them.
We did this a few months back, I forgot what I guessed. But I will reguess it as:
Oh and CyberJesus, delivery of the Yearbook is about November/December depending what part of the world you live. Delivery times vary.
I was pretty surprised they published the number for 2009....I'd say there is a 75% chance they pull the plug on the number this year...just causes to much of a problem as far as explaining the rise the R&F.
If they do pull the plug, will be interesting see if its a free for all eating wine and crackers at the next few memorials.