When I Pioneered, I had a 82 year old partner who
was quite a prude. One day in service we approached a
house with it's door wide open. The keys
were still in the door.When we reached the
door it was obvious that same major sex was underway.
My knock of course was ignored. I suggested we leave, but
the sister insisted we knock again. She let loose a major
pounding of the door and in a few seconds a guy shows up
with a major erection and says,"Will you people bug off, I'm
trying to get off here." The look on that sisters face was priceless.
When we got back to the group she proceeds to tell everyone that
the guy was some pervert who had committed a crime on us.
I have to tell you..This guy had a penis which competed with
Long Dong Silver.
This was one of my better "field service experiences" when I