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by snowbird 14 years ago 73 Replies latest 14 years ago social relationships
because we cant read in between the lines! LOL
Ask for directions?
edited to add: Josh you're quick.
I'm asking in all seriousness.
Please, no rude, carnal comments.
My cute little JW daughter smiled at a young man and he almost lost control of his vehicle.
I'd never given the matter any thought until then.
cute little JW daughter
What age is this female?
She's 21.
5 ft 1 inch, 98 pounds.
Cute as a button - even if I do say so myself.
Why Do Men Find It Hard to...
drive properly when you're cute JW daughter smiles at them?
cos for some men (can't speak for you all), getting noticed by a pretty girl is the highlight of their day.
Why: Nature.
Really every woman should have at least one man nearly total his truck after thinking 'mercy' when seeing her!
(mines hit a fire hydrant---- sigh)
ROFL at the answers.
I guess I'm more interested in the clinical aspect.