I will being handing out the talk slips soon LOL.
What for Jan?? Wow, you on the ball!
by Inside Man 44 Replies latest watchtower bible
I will being handing out the talk slips soon LOL.
What for Jan?? Wow, you on the ball!
Thanks for the schedule. Now I can keep abreast of the Bible reading.
OCT. 3 - Bible Reading: Proverbs 1-6
No. 1 - Proverbs 6:1-19
No. 2 - How Are We Assured Of God's Love For Us At Romans 8:26,27 ?
No. 3 - Must The Coming Of God's Kingdom Await The Conversion Of The World? (rs p. 233 para. 1-2)
OCT. 10 - Bible Reading: Proverbs 7-11
No. 1 - Proverbs 8:1-21
No. 2 - **If Someone Says: "God's Kingdom Won't Come In My Lifetime" (rs p. 233 para. 4 to p. 234 para. 1) **- As Time Permits, The Student Should Reply To The Householder's Assertions, Objections, And So Forth, So As To Meet The Needs In The Territory.
No. 3 - *Why The Scriptures Warn Against Becoming "Righteous Overmuch" (Eccl. 7:16) (ASSIGN TO BROTHERS ONLY)
OCT. 17 - Bible Reading: Proverbs 12-16
No. 1 - Proverbs 15:1-17
No. 2 - How Are Acceptable Prayers Like Sweet-Smelling Incense To Jehovah? (Ps. 141:2 ; Rev. 5:8)
No. 3 - What Sign Indicates That We Are Living In The Last Days? (rs p. 234 para. 2)
OCT. 24 - Bible Reading: Proverbs 17-21
No. 1 - Proverbs 17:21 - 18:13
No. 2 - How Are Wars And Food Shortages A Part Of "The Sign"? (rs p. 234 para. 3 to p. 235 para. 4)
OCT. 31 - Bible Reading: Proverbs 22-26
Theocratic Ministry School Review
wow the tune of the beatles Nowhere man kept going thru my head while reading this:
"He's a real Inside man"
No. 2 - Why Did The Jews In General Not Accept Jesus As The Messiah? (rs p. 211 para. 1-2)
Maybe, I should show up that night, wearing a yarmulke, and offer to join in - kind of like a spontaneous symposium. Moshe could liven it up for them.
I didn't even bother to read this thread, so not to rain on everyone's parade here, but it's the TMS skewl schedule, but who gives a shit? Everyone gets it eventually.
When will the new Elder's manual be scanned?
"... in preparing I found that most if not all parts on the school have been recycled for years. In fact, the titles are practically identical to last years assignments. They just rotate them through.
No wonder I always thought that the meetings all sounded the same. Because they were!! ..."
Oh, Soldier 77, it goes way beyond that... [for this next part, keep in mind that I LEFT the Watchtower Society around 25 years ago...]
Every once in a while, someone on board mentions a Sunday public talk title... Or describes the text of a Sunday talk...
And I realize that I heard that SAME TALK while I was still 'in', over 25 years ago!!! [I'm thinking about "Can You Sleep On a Windy Night?", but I can't remember whether that was a Sunday talk, or one given at a circuit or district convention... I first heard that one in the early '60's, just to let you all know...]
Sheeeee - - aaaash... Talk about recycling!!!
"I'm going to stop with my silliness.
I'm having way too much fun. ..."
Aw, Ding!! I enjoyed your sharp satire!!!
Inside Man!! Thanks for posting that!!!
One way I got out of the Theocraptic Misery "School(??)" was to blow off a boasting session when I had a talk. They never put me on the board since then.
By request, for Zid,
<< No. 2 - How Are We Assured Of God's Love For Us At Romans 8:26,27 ? >>
By obeying God's organization without question.
<< Must The Coming Of God's Kingdom Await The Conversion Of The World? (rs p. 233 para. 1-2) >>
I'm guessing the answer will NOT be, "Yes, Armageddon has been postponed indefinitely."
<< If Someone Says: "God's Kingdom Won't Come In My Lifetime" (rs p. 233 para. 4 to p. 234 para. 1) >>
I'm guessing the answer WON'T be, "That's what the wicked clergy of Christendom told Pastor Russell when he told them Armageddon would end in 1914; he sure proved them wrong, didn't he?"
<< No. 3 - *Why The Scriptures Warn Against Becoming "Righteous Overmuch" (Eccl. 7:16) (ASSIGN TO BROTHERS ONLY) >>
I'm guessing the answer WON'T be, "Because Eccesiastes was written from the viewpoint of a man who thought everything was meaningless (1:1-2), not as God's viewpoint."
<< No. 3 - What Sign Indicates That We Are Living In The Last Days? (rs p. 234 para. 2) >>
The sign is a "composite one", meaning that to the WTS, EVERYTHING indicates that we are living in the last days.