To any used to be/are still Elders on the board

by watersprout 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    How do the Elders go about Disfellowshipping someone?

    Do Bethel have to be notified?

    Just wondering...

    Peace and light

  • cantleave

    Yes - the branch is informed by the famous blue envelope.

  • cantleave

    There is record in the congregation, "specialist shepherding file", as well.

  • watersprout

    I didn't know about the ''blue envelope'' or that they kept your details in the ''specialist sheparding file''... Can you get them to remove your details??


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Records are kept for five years after your reinstatement or after you have been reproved. Othewise it sits in the box and rots until someone realizes you're not coming back and eventually dumps it. Records are still kept in Brooklyn as to who, why and when. Can't do much about it in the U.S. . I don't know about other countries.

  • brotherdan

    Yeah, they keep the record at bethel even after you die, according to Ray Franz! And it has all the nasty details of your sins. Did you fondle your girlfriend/boyfriend under the clothes or over? Was there penetration? Was there climax?

    They love the dirty details. I'm sure that you could have a lawyer request that they destroy the file. But there wouldn't really be a way to verify that it was done. They will not send you the record, and they have claimed to destroy things that have not been destroyed in their past.

  • watersprout

    I thought keeping records was breaking the ''data protection'' law....Oh well the borg is a law unto itself.

    Thanks for the info...After all the years i was in, i have never heard of this info...I just thought they announced you were d'fed and that was it...


  • baltar447

    I can understand keeping a record of anything criminal such as molestations, to prevent anyone from serving in a position of authority. But Joe has sex with Sue and they're both adults, why do they need to keep that information beyond five years at HQ?

  • watersprout
    But Joe has sex with Sue and they're both adults, why do they need to keep that information beyond five years at HQ?

    Why do they need to keep that info at all??

    Did you fondle your girlfriend/boyfriend under the clothes or over? Was there penetration? Was there climax?

    Watchtower's very own porn! Dirty perverts!


  • trueblue

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