I say amen to that prayer FHN
Love them babies
by FlyingHighNow 51 Replies latest jw friends
Things that make me smile - 1. My loving wife
2. My adult children
3. Good friends & family
4. Beautiful sunsets or sunrises
5. mountain scenery's
6. My San Fransisco Giants winning in baseball
7. customers in my business paying me on time when they are supposed to
8. sleeping
9. eating good food
10. great sex
Things that make me cry- 1. Other people suffering
2. Being shunned by my 2 JW adult daughters
3. Watching my older JW parents in their 80's being lied to by the WT society after 60 years in the cult
4. Losing loved ones in death & seeing others lose their loved ones in death
5. Having to work all night with no sleep on a floor stripping job - then passing out in my truck
6. If the San Fransisco Giants don't make it to the World Series and get beat
7. Watching sad movies
8. Thinking about how many lonely people live in the world
9. Seeing children not have enough to eat
10. Seeing children being raised in abusive homes with adults who mistreat them.
Just about covers the main stuff, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Satan just sent me this video because obviously Satan knows when all our birthdays fall.
&feature=related9. Seeing children not have enough to eat
10. Seeing children being raised in abusive homes with adults who mistreat them.
Flipper, flip back a page and read my posting of A Prayer for Children.
Things that make me smile:
Nice Dream's smile
Things that make me cry:
Nice Dream's smile
Brother Dan, I had a hard life, too. I am fabulous and ain't nobody gonna tell me any different. It really is okay not to be anywhere close to perfect, dahhhling.
This song is a protest song that makes me smile on accounta I was 13 when it hit, in 1971.